Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Smin already told this multiple times. It wont be coming in the near future.

Great, more nerf for France, but gonna keep the BR up somehow xD

Mkay, also whilst I’m on about missiles, I want to know why the F.3 didn’t receive 9Ms and the FGR.2 hasn’t got access to 9Ls

Because britain is not a major nation

most likely with the EFT so a while yet

It is this:


How is that hindering those 2 planes from receiving those missiles?

I reckon Tornado Gr4, sometime end of the year. WIth the Tornado Gr1 being semi-finished in June (based upon roadmap) that would track


Hopefully carousel autoloaders will receive a damage model as well :)))

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Yep, that is what we were discussing and its on the new roadmap, so maybe this year

There are no domestic British “dogfight” jets really until we get to Typhoon. Which we are not close too currently at all. Which is why the Gripen was introduced.

Other aircraft will fill other gaps until that point. We have more domestic British aircraft planned in other areas.


Right next to the banhammer.


Will they be blufor or redfor ? as it will be strange to have Mig 29s in our tree lol

The question is which one
or tornado

All British Phantoms were equipped with 9Ls. In fact so was the jaguars. Its a BR balancing thing, not fact.

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That now a ban for swearing lol

Dont question him bro 💀

Could you specify what exactly about it would be too advanced for now?

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The Roundels