Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Does anyone know the penetration values this gun could achieve irl?

Likely won’t completely translate into the game, but it would give an indication.

well they use the formular thingy mainly, those numbers would matter

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I can’t find anything on the ammo


“Call of the dragon”

Was hoping for a Chinese premium tank for imlek but no…just a USSR T-80

Why not “roar of the bear” or something.


someone said 1.2m, someone else 1m, someone else 700-800mm because its not the rifled version bla bla

you get the idea, between 1m-700mm with gjns calculations

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For anyone wondering:


There is also the JAGM-MR as well which bumps the range to 16 km and adds the IIR back to the seeker to make it a tri-modal SALH / MMW / IIR.

I’d say around 800-830mm of penetration, Grifel-1/Grifel-2 are very large rounds and fly at 2000m/s… that’s 20MJ, Irl they have about 1024mm of penetration at 2000m. It’s HE shell will be interesting as well

“Call of the Dragon”Why not a Chinese but a USSR?


China doesn’t exist

Not even that why add a tank in a tech tree and an area that doesn’t need it.
I rather have something that will address some areas of the game that has huge BR gaps.

Type 10 APS event )))

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Finnish Stug or KV-1 pleaseeeeeeeee daddy

This is actually generally the opposite of what event vehicles are aimed for.

If there are large gaps, we plan on filling those with researchable vehicles or standard premiums.

Event vehicles are optional rewards that players can collect and unlock it they wish, but shouldn’t be the source of filling gaps in trees. They are commonly variants of / unique prototypes or alterations of vehicles obtainable in other ways.


45000 points!


Hope we get the T-72B2 Rogatka in a future event as well

A big-gun experimental as an event vehicle ? Ground vehicle techtrees are even more completely finished than I thought, then - there was nothing left for them to go up in capability aside from these now that FnF ATGM 's and next-gen development rigs are already here.

Maybe we don’t get 12.0+ for ground after all.

I mean sure but ngl for me this isn’t the best start at all with yet another Russian high tier vehicle.
With the T-90M issues and a plane in the BP.

I would be more happier if we got ether a Chinese vehicle to be at least in the style of the event theme.
Or something where a nation hasn’t gotten anything for a bit through events.

But I would like to know if the stage prises stayed the same at 999GE.

From Stona

“This is Rank VII vehicle (so max that you can get from event). AFAIK Required points are adjusted to rank of the vehicle. This is top rank you can get from event, so it got highest number of mission score needed.”

thank god for that at least

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yea … chinese export variants like VT-2B or VN12 are good candidates for these types of events

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there is still the posibility’s of seing tanks with 120+mm gun in the standard tree’s , russia has a couple of those , this is why gaijin can put one of theme as a event reward