Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

BMP-2M is the only OP russian light tank. 2S38 is OP as well but that should be a spaa.

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It’s unusual for them to folder end of the line vehicles no? I’m just woundering if this is a sign that Thry plan to add something after the spruts soon

Is there anything left to add? Isn’t Sprut a new vehicle?

There are plenty of things left to add, mostly in the form of Kornet carrying vehicles, be they with or without an autocannon to boot, as well as some IFVs.

Whether these vehicles would be placed at a higher BR than Sprut-SDM and whether they would be placed on the light tank or tank destroyer line I don’t know, but they would definitely be great additions all the same.

Of course these aren’t all the options and more exist, but they do paint a good picture regardless.
Vehicles foreign to Russia have been excluded, but these can also be taken into consideration, such as the Belarussian Volat V2.
I haven’t included pictures of BMPT because you already mentioned them, but it’d be a very viable choice as well.






Yes, it is. Which is why it’s not unusual that the 2S25M isn’t foldered. In the BR changes they said the 2S3M will be foldered with the 2S1.


How funny that all japanese vehicles in the changelog, beside the IJN Kurama are going up in br again.

The zero’s are getting out-speeded by bombers at their br. I’m currently playing them and the 3.7 zero’s are struggling reaching 380 km/h when going straight and fully spaded.

Besides that, they only get 120 cannon rounds total. Not that much of a difference with higher br zero’s.
Only a hand full get 240 rounds and we dont even have the CAS variants of the zero’s yet, with the A6M7 and A6M8. variants.

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Does anyone recognize the map in today 's video ? It 's not familiar to me:

( )

Looks kind of like the new test drive map, but there 's differences.

I think it is test drive map but with added targets in custom mission for the video. Or maybe Carantan which was used in clips before.

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isnt it the tank tutorial map?

Like the one were they teach you the basics of tankery?

Yea that the test drive as you can see the ai tanks.

Just that they added these red things

I like having the option myself.



If modelled accurately, they should be different. Flight model will have a different balance and point of gravity etc. That nose cone area is a problem, like I’ve said the Chinese rejected a super-PESA Irbis-E with Chinese electronics because it would weigh too much and require canards to maintain AoA capabilites. I really don’t know the finer differences between the D and other models, but they are different. They’ll both be good, but without adding EW as a feature there’s no way the J-16D gets added as a TT vehicle, imo.

Already have two versions of the Sprut. BMPT, BTR-90, Kurganets, Bumerang, a few new BMP-3 and BMD variants. USSR is spoiled at light tank comparatively, but still is missing a lot of possible additions.

It would be funny if they didn’t tell this joke every BR adjustment.

J-8B clone would be great imo.
Otherwise we’ll prob have to wait until December or something, might even see rank 9 aviation with rank 8 premiums.

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@Deathmisser happy cake day! image


Or just a GE premium.
For a pack the JH7A has the right BR and i think in the past Gaijin lowerd the rank of a vehicle for the premium copy paste so that could be done here too.

It’s a beauty so if they do, I’d probably get it but preference for me would be a J-8B clone. Perhaps the failed project for it to get Western avionics? Forgot the name for that one.

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J-8peace pearl


An early JH-7A with only dumb bombs does seem like something gajjin would do tbh, and would honestly be pretty decent if it stayed at 11.0 since it has no guided weapons


Yeah remove PL-8 too but leave the PL-5C. 4 of those and dumb bombs, i’d like that. Basically like the Premium Tornado but then playable 😂

The fact that the J7D sucks so hard and nothing has been added besides it makes me think they are planning something good and don’t wanna cannabalise sales of what is to come (hopefully soon!). This has been explained to be one of the reasons why they don’t add as many high tier premiums as they do low tier ones.


holy fuck i cant wait


Tbh it looks wery interesting and I think I will want and keap it