Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

From Stona

“This is Rank VII vehicle (so max that you can get from event). AFAIK Required points are adjusted to rank of the vehicle. This is top rank you can get from event, so it got highest number of mission score needed.”

thank god for that at least

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yea … chinese export variants like VT-2B or VN12 are good candidates for these types of events

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there is still the posibility’s of seing tanks with 120+mm gun in the standard tree’s , russia has a couple of those , this is why gaijin can put one of theme as a event reward

What T-90M issues though. It was only somewhat problematic when it was the only tank with spall liners.

Currently in game it’s very meh. Far behind tanks like the 2A7V, 122s and BVM even.

Yea just adding yet another Russian high tier vehicle just put more salt in my mouth tbh.
As this is yet more prove they don’t give one about the other nations.


Ah, something I don’t really care for. So I’m just going to skip this.

Tank looks nice tho.

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Russia gets everything. Most of the times 5-8 vehicles per update and with events, battlepasses or anniversaries they also get something.

Meanwhile minor nations like Japan, China, Italy, France and Israel have to be happy when they get 2 vehicles per update instead of 1.

Besides that, they don’t even get a squadron vehicle. Only Japan and China get one, and the Japanese one is a ship (which i dont mind, but the guns are awfull and it is heavily depended on torpedo’s).


It was already there, what I’m drawing attention to is how those are no longer likely to be( considered to be by gaijin ) an increase in capability over currently available MBT 's - meaning that ground BR 's overall are unlikely to have much increase in the top-cap from here on out.

If any.

partially right partially wrong , wee are close to the top-cap from here on out , but i expect still a couple of upgrades

@Smin1080p is each taskgoing to cost 999 GE like the previous events?

Its even year of the dragon. Chinese new year. And they still give another Russian vehicle, instead of a more appropriate Chinese vehicle.

And @Deathmisser happy birthday man bro!!


Thank you m8

and @Texas_Engineer_Mike & @Miraz05 for there earlier wishes


They claim they want to tie some of these to historical events.
That totally backfired from the very first one. lol

Why add a Russian vehicle where clearly it’s a Chinese style event


Yea, they are adding 292 too close to the T-90M but then again, there were no premium VII Russian vehicle in last patch similar to OES or Click-Bait,
Maybe Gaijin was trying to introduce the 292 in standard tree but couldn’t balance … hence event? Who knows?
but yea, should’ve been a Chinese vehicle given the event’s name. The vast Chinese export vehicles are excellent candidates for these events. We still haven’t got ZTZ-96B in the standard tech tree … so why not give the VT-2B as the event vehicle?

oh, and happy birthday @Deathmisser … hope we get the independent Eastern-European/Visegrad/Polish tree this year


Not even that. But Russia has enough.

Everyone knows Russia made lots of variants of different tanks, but that doesnt mean we need all of them.

Look at the Japanese lower tier e.g. They have so many variants and so many lower tier tanks that could be added, yet they are struggling for 9 years at those br’s.

And take a look at France. Solid and APHE shot versus a Russian mbt with all bells and wissles.
France should get IFV’s, more light tanks; just like Great Britain. But they arent getting them.

I wouldn’t be surprised if next update, Russia got IFV’s and more light tanks. Since all Russian mains are complaining they don’t have those.

Besides that. All minor nations need a form of CAS. Japan has many options left, same goes for Britain, France etc… but guess who got another CAS fighter this battlepass… Russia.


happy birthday from me as well

and always remember the spiders watching u

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Of course every vehicle won’t be applicable to each person. That’s generally why the new event structure will better suit those people that don’t want / are not interested in everything too.

Some nations have more vehicle examples than others and they also have vehicles that are suggested / requested and in demand, but don’t make much sense to come to the tree to. This vehicle is a good example of that. As you can see by some of the reactions under the blog and elsewhere, there are definitely people who are genuinely quite excited for this vehicle and really want it.

The next event will be a different type of vehicle and a different nation entirely and so on and so forth.

Between events and the battle pass, there will be a coverage of all nations, with vehicles that have long been requested and some surprises along the way too.

There will be something for everyone at some stage. With more choice available to everyone.


The love for Russia in this game is getting annoying.

Borderline, annoying. Why would someone play another nation, if Russia is the only nation ingame that gets a lineup, CAS, mulitrole fighters, FAKE ships, etc…

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What about the people wanting stuff for other nations (minor nations). I’ve seen people asking lots, and lots, for other nations besides Russia. Yet we are still waiting for Japanese CAS, French IFV’s, Italian battleships, etc…

Clearly Russia and Sweden are the favs here.
Like even one of the top said they love Sweden so yea.