Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah I was the 1st to call it fake lol

dont forget the MICA-RF

Wouldnt the Tiger ARH be a better option as a german premium considering their current premium heli is far from good?

Thats ok, still wanna see. Where is it?

On another note, comment segment at the end of last shooting range ep said they want to add AMRAAMS for all nations at once. I take it that’s AMRAAM or equivalent.
So, all nations have proper ARH carriera already? Pretty sure they do right?

Literally comment above mine


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Check my comment here:

Tldr: Yes

Just experienced my first game in a Pantsir. Amazing. Effortless compared to the 2S6. With the Osa now in a rumors list, where does it stack up between the Strela-10M and the Tor?

Osa? Around Pantsir performance or better iirc. Depends on the missiles

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The Rumors list is already confirmed fake

Really? My understanding is that the Osa would be more in line with Tunguska missile prefromance. From a quick browse it doesn’t seem that incredible, infact it might be closer to the Roland

Edit: it really depends on the variant, with the early missiles being kinda mid, and having a max range of 8-9 ish kilometers.

The 9K33M3 tho is pretty impressive, with a max range of 15km and a max speed of over 1000m/s. However I still don’t know how maneuverable it would be, which is where the Pantsir struggles tbh, as the VT-1 is still the best missile in the game against a maneuvering target


Osa will definitely come after the 2S6, but definitely not better than the Pantsir or TOR

With proper missiles it would be better afaik. Base version had 10km range but later versions were much better

I guess my issue with the Osa, is that it would be hard to justify, as even at its absolute best, it’s still worse than the Pantsir, and somewhat better than the Tunguska. If anything all the soviets would need, is a lesser SPAA than the Strella, so it can go up to 10.3, and something slightly worse like the ZSU-23M4 gets added to 9.3

And then there’s other nations like the UK or China that could really use some more options around those battle ratings

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Did some deep diving. Osa would be the perfect 10.0 or 10.3 companion to the Strela-10M. 10km range (just short of Tunguska/Tor), 500m/s, 100m/s slower than Tunguska/TOR. Half the min range of the TOR.

Radar guided, hard to flare/chaff away. Would basically be like the beginners 2S6 with almost same range, same style of aiming. Would be perfect for shooting down TRAMs.

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It’s kind of annoying, because clearly the Strela-1 9K31 is “leaked” by Olivia, but it doesn’t actually help out USSR tree, which is particularly vulnerable to helicopters, since the lowest BR decent anti-helicopter AA is 2S38. Gepards and other AA around 8.3 are way better against helicopters than ZSU-37-2 and ZSU-23-4. At least M4 or M5 ZSU-23-4 would help a lot at this vulnerable range.

A better solution, however...

Ввод советам объект 530 как аналог гепарда - Передано разработчикам - War Thunder — официальный форум
Зенитная самоходная установка ЗСУ-57-2 («Объект 500»)

Some more information, if you're interested.

The complex provided engagement of targets with a speed of 300 m/s at altitudes of 200-5000 m in the range from 2.2-3.6 to 8.5-9 km (at altitudes of 50-100 m the maximum range was reduced to 4-6 km). For supersonic targets flying at speeds of up to 420 m/s at altitudes of 200-5000 m, the long-range limit of the kill zone reached 7.1 km. The parameter was from 2 to 4 km. According to the results of modelling and combat launches of SAMs, the probability of hitting an F-4C Phantom-2 type target with one missile was 0.35-0.4 at an altitude of 50 m and increased to 0.42-0.85 at altitudes above 100 m.

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Thaing is tho, that wouldn’t really be needed, especially when you consider how effective the Strella 2 already is, and how the optical mode buffed it a decent bit

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I mean, since the Strella got the Optical buff, it pretty decent against the helicopters of its BR. And tbh it’s definitely 10.0 worth at least, and a lesser Strella would be helpful at 9.0-9.3 since it would be vulnerable to flares and have no optical mode

Also you should all be greatful you don’t have to use the “wonderful” PGZ-04. The manpands on that POS feel like what stingers were when they first got added, and you only get 4 of them to add insult to injury.
And your stuck with this until the Tor

The problem is that even Strela-10M2 doesn’t work against small helicopters, carriers of SS.11, ITOW and other ATGMs. Probably need something like Strela-10M4. Strela-1 also has photocontrast. But the point is that these are just not as useful as VEAK 40 or others.

at least PGZ09 has really good IRST that can snipe helicopters that don’t change direction.

My honest reaction.