Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I’ll try these out, usually I find I have to go through the hull with 3BM42 or 3BM60 in order to reliably crippled or even oneshot Abrams (Leopard also)
HE trolling is a bit unreliable considering the low velocity and the good acceleration of abrams, can be difficult to hit the right parts.

It’s way better at this than any Soviet tank whatsoever. My time driving around in KVT and PzBtl 123 show you just soak up like 6 rounds with ease, meanwhile Soviet tanks you die to fuel explosions lmao. The amount of times KVT just made rounds disappear into the hull is insane. Makes me feel like a princess the way my hands are being held and the silver platter on which kills are served.

They are simply weak vehicles which require very careful and defensive use to seriously excel. They simply aren’t W+M1 victory wagons like KVT and PzBtl 123.

I love Merkava with like 11 radio antennae is hilarious.


Didn’t they remove the ability to amplify the opponent engines sound ?

Well you notice it’s also allied engines, you can only make your own quieter.

Except that the M1 and KVT is still one of the most survivable Abramses and not really representative of the other Abramses.

All the Abramses used to have a similar survivability as the M1 way back, but what killed their survivability is the introduction of 550mm+ pen rounds.

Don’t get me wrong, they are still more survivable than most russian tanks most of the time, but now with these new rounds they are also super easy to 1-2 shot kill.

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Sepv2 just sounds like a faster challenger 2 tes with a better round and ready rack
Both have useless era
Both have useless ied stuff
But one is 11.3 and the other 11.7


Live now.

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As long as they wont add option to remove TUSK 2 or add something SepV2 exclusive it will stay such.

I like T-90A look over T-90M, only things I like look wise on T-90M more is commander sights, side ERA (stock look), how climable surface looks (look how at image ERA looks like its way softer than it actually is), mud cover on tracks and ERA in mud covers. Both look nice, I just like T-90A look wise more.




Nerfing other nations because of bad US teams? Doesn’t sound reasonable to me

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When a couple of tanks far outclass most other tanks at that BR nerfing them is not unheard of.

Remember the 2A6 and 122B PLSS introduction?

There can be only one


I mean the problem with top tier US isn’t really the 11.7 SEP but 11.3 M1A1 horde.

This goes extremely hard btw

Honestly DM53 with L/55 gun was probably a mistake, just like giving Swedish Leopards better than DM33 ammunition. It was nice that you traded penetration for armour. DM53 fired from L/55 quite clearly upped the ante and Gaijin is struggling to find ways to deal with that.

But I suppose it was inevitable since Gajin reached 3BM60 (without using 3BM32 or 3BM59) and now there’s a period where that’s basically the top shell for any 125mm gun without going to T-14.

I suppose a few nations have basically topped out on their existing shells with no room for direct penetration increases (maybe anti-era tips or other tweaks but not just straight higher raw numbers)

Curious to see how Gaijin deals with it.

It drives me completely hysterical to be honest. Hilarious for all the wrong reasons.

It’s not just the US tree I’m talking about here though. The 2A7V and all 122s are currently just that much better than every other MBT. I would say that they are pretty much in a class of their own currently.

So you either buff/fix tanks from other nations to a similar level, if that isn’t possible you introduce better counterparts, or you nerf the 4 mentioned tanks down to the level of others. I prefer the former.

There is still a lot to be fixed on the Type 10s, Merkava Mk.4s and Leclercs to get them closer to the 2A7V. US and Italy might need a new counterpart.

Just not 100% sure how to handle Russia, Britain and China.

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I mean yeah. I think all Strv 122s, Leopard 2A7V, T-80BVM and T-90M should be 12.0.

They already stated that MBT armor is considered as suggestion and can be adjusted in the future to match the level of other tanks. That was about Ariete / Merkava / Type 10 btw

Testbeds and prototypes obv

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Well Britain only has 6 round gun prototype challenger and a challenger with brimestone so i don’t see any of those

I meant only Russia in my comment. Just forgot to exclude 2 other nations