Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Subtrees are at the level of penicillin and fire as the best inventions of humanity.

Then UK would have a light tank line that could easily be expanded for years on end…

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China gets everything then?

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They would have been if all of them were treated the same as the South African one.


Current events would make such a bad timing for turkey to be under IL yk

Gripen C and maybe a subtree and a slight rework to air RB maps

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I was referring to the theoretical concept.

In practice I agree with you that some additions were a little vague.


The US has a 29% wr at top tier.

not at all remotely surprising lmao.


Good for them. Maybe M1 will finally get hull armor buff

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Ironically, I think that data is a result of the number of M1A1 premiums that USA sold in the last big update.
I’ve seen a lot of M1A1 (squad and premium) in 11.3 leave the match early.

I like the premiums, but at some point they ruin the gaming experience.

What really bothers me about playing with the Abrams is that it is so vulnerable in the area below the barrel (turret ring, driver’s optics). It is a very large and very weak HOLE, even a 30mm cannon can break it easily.

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Yeah to the point where angled UFP is a safer shoot than flat LFP lol


Bro. You could give the M1 a second gun, unlimited ammo, all the frontal DU armor in the world and it still won’t make a lick of difference.

US teams are atrocious right now. I hope they get the help they need, or Germany/Sweden get a micro-nerf, because games are basically decided on who gets one of the two and who doesn’t get the US.

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Unironically factual. Give M829A4 and it won’t help. You’d need to give like 800mm ke to the entire front and side of the turret and hull to save those teams.

Even before the reload buff, competent players steamroll hard in SEP v2. It’s a serious skill issue.

T-90M on the other hand is just not worth it. It works and it’s fine, good addition, just not comparable to the other vehicles added and available.

Even post buff tanks like the 2A7V and 122s are just way better than the SEPv1 (SEPv2 is a downgrade over the v1).

I have both the 2A7V and SEPv2 and I can similar performances in both, but it takes half the skill/effort/awareness for the 2A7V compared to the SEPv2.

The Abrams depends on other people’s stupidity to do really well in.

SEPv2 and T-90M are equally not worth it lmao.

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I play mine for the memes, and for the looks (love my T-90A). But it really is feast or famine.

I find myself not even playing the way I used to. I’m typically the player that pushes the objectives, watches flanks, goes after players that are well dug in and crushing my teammates… Now I just find the best place to ambush until I get a few kills before giving up almost half the time. It’s much more selfish, and I don’t really like it.

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Same for me with the SEPv2. Abrams is my favourite MBT in game looks wise so the SEPv2 wad the first of the new MBTs I went for. Obviously I knew from the start that it wasn’t worth playing over the SEPv1.

But the teams are just something else. Usually there are already 6 people out of the game before I die for the first time lol. I still respawn after seeing that, but my hopes of winning have already been reduced to 0 by that point.


It’s true.

T-90M depends much harder since it’s slower, slower reloading even before buff etc. Skilled players who only show their breach to you or other tricky spots, are difficult to take down.

I’d take paper armour, mobility, nice penetration and reload any day. Much more advantageous characteristics.

Many just say “Russian Bias” and stop spawning. By some strange coincidence winrates also go down.

Then spawn the next match convinced they will lose, they find a way to make it happen. Careless aggression etc.

Abrams has pretty easy one shot kill spots even on the breach though, or the turret in general:

  1. Hitting below the gun usually wipes out 3 crew members.

  2. The bottom of the loaders cheek (when hull down) can be a reliable frontal ammo rack shot.

  3. Russian HE can overpressure the SEPs by hitting the crew shields on top of the turret. (So you can kill an Abrams before they even get their gun on target).

Mobility and reload at the price of everyone knowing where you are at all time, not being able to hull down efficiently and having pretty meh survivability.

Pretty shitty tradeoff imo.

I’m not going to dive too deep into the comparatives. I will say, multiple times in different matches, I’ve contemplated why I would take a slow 90M with 3BM42 (I’m grinding it, not GE’ing through) when I could take my 90A with still modest turret armor (90M is definitely better) but have more speed and 3BM60.

Getting 3BM60 will make the 90M tolerable enough that I should be able to manage. All the mobility upgrades will help too I reckon.