Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

+many other munition types for both tanks and planes

I understand your point and that of the other forum members. Both are respectable and each has their reasons. However, in the world of Gaijin, after the Swiss hunter and the Indian T-90, nothing could surprise me anymore and everything is possible.

Since Oxy said on stream that South Korea would not be considered as a subtree for JPN( later echoed by the RU community manager ) combined w/ Bvvd 's comment in the video Q&A that SK is a likely candidate to see ingame, they’ve been one of the more likely possibilities for a new independent TT in my eyes.

Another reserve-Rank 4 one, but that matches up w/ the preliminary plans for where new-nation bonuses would start from.

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Do you know where this was said? It’d be good confirmation to have

Agreed, unfortunately.

Oxy 's comment:

( Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1) - #8357 by Hyperveloce )

The RU comment is a little harder to track down, but should be around the same timeframe as this.

Ok say that instead of making Gaijin say something they didn’t.

This is not true. Not with trees like Israel possible.

For some yes.

So Canada with an ANZAC sub-tree? Technically speaking Canada doesn’t need a sub-tree however if we want proper ANZAC representation it would be needed.


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I agree with Korea.

That is why in comments ago I said that the technological development of a nation alone is not enough to be considered a candidate (Swiss case), we must also analyze how popular that nation is: wars in which it participated; player base; unique vehicles or iconic/popular vehicles. Korea is as much a candidate as Israel and we already have the latter in the game.

I see Switzerland as a perfect candidate for a sub tree. I consider that their vehicles have to come to the game but I don’t see Switzerland as an independent nation.


P/D: I would just say don’t take the TT’s suggested by PikPikker literally. I have seen some unacceptable excesses.

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My problem with Korea is the both the trees here has like next to nothing in vehicle. Like at most 20.

Sure you have a unique MBT and SPA but after that what? Nothing.

Swiss on the other hand has plenty of unique vehicles. Also can start at reserve tier and those are always better trees in my eyes.


1st pic looks like WT loading screen


I apologize for the language difficulties.

I have mixed feelings about Israel. I play it for many reasons, but none of them are because I consider it a fun TT (yet).

It is difficult to evaluate the players’ experience with this format, which is currently exceptional.

You hit the nail on the head with that question.

In the Swedish case for example, it is clear that in this TT Swedish technology is predominant. Calling it a Nordic TT would be putting the Swedish military industry on the same level as the Finnish one.

But in a hypothetical case like Canada and Australia, what name would the TT have? Which nation would be the representative and which would be the subsidiary? It’s complicated unless you make both countries have equal representation.

It seems that popular China here represents all of China, but could we do the same with both Koreas?

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I agree with you and share your opinion. But at the end of the day we have to try to be as objective as possible to speculate on Gaijin’s intentions.


israel have a lot of air to air missiles to be added,( Python-4 (probably coming in march), Python-5, Derby, I-Derby, I-Derby ER), a lot of ground ordinance made by israeli companies( LGBs, GPS/IR guided Bombs for example the Spice-250ER that have a micro jet engine), israel have a lot of IFVs and Spike carriers to be added, israel have some Spyder variants to be added as top tier SAM (Spyder-SR-MR-LR), israel is missing some helis with spikes and thats not all israel have a lot of spikes variants to be added, the conclussion here is that israel is missing a lot of stuff right now made by them and that stuff is really cool and Unique no other minor nation have that bunch of stuff to be added besides china.


So since SK is a no no for Japan hehe what about china lol

fire in the hole!

Imagine as N & SK in China an already massive tree. hehe

I am very aware of Israel’s situation and potential, I was answering specifically to what the other user said

Oxy specifically said he thinks, not that he knows

Wasn’t there that strange Korean site that also said no for a Korean sub tree in Japan ?