Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean people may hate his words but it is what gaijin says anyways lmao, its gaijins fault to not make good decisions

Impossibly doubtful, especially given the time period and colapse of the soviet union.

Testing done by the west up to the 140mm only showed like a ~13%-20% increase in penetration compared to modern KEPs, and now all of a sudden russia had some breakthrough tech 100% KEP penetration increase by making the dart have massively more drag at 152mm?


It was a desperate misinformation move made by a collapsing republic to scare the west, and it didnt work. There would be substantial information on the Obj195 from the last 20 years, and the west would already have doubly better KEPs if there was even a notion this was true

Its fundamentally impossible given modern material sciences and actual physics, lets alone given for a failing USSR of 30 years ago

Absolute load of bs


I like the vilkas except that 80% of maps at top tier are city maps which makes the spikes useless. But on mid and range maps the vilkas is not bad

I mean I like it too but Spikes rarely work, even at long range.

that’s true but still better than the puma without spikes at 10.0. They hit sometimes at least and are only a 0.3 increase


I cannot really get behind this argument here, yes indeed you can get similar vehicles but thats the case for every other vehicles. Be it 2A4, early Leclerc or Ariete they offer somehow similar play styles but it does not really mean they don’t deserve their own spot. Though I get where you are coming from.

Yet again, if a said nation, not just Turkey I wholly support every other projects and contribute them whenever I can, can muster enough vehicles and support them with c&p stuff to form proper line-ups they are contenders in my eyes. This can be Turkey, Ukraine, Iran and Korea in Israeli style tech trees or Yugoslavia, Benelux, Switzerland and Spain/Iberian in conventional form.

I believe it should, nah it would. There’s total of 25 or more tons of weight difference, it cannot be all air like Ariete. Turkey does not have weight limitation like Japan or Korea, as I’ve stated Altay evolved to more westernised version of K2. Frontal protection would be pretty similar but K2 lacks the side armor that is for sure. You might’ve seen the guy who measured K2’s armor thickness.

That is an understatement, I’ve made the same point few comments above. Israel lacks whole line of Light Vehicles and funny part is they do have vehicles to form this branch. It is not Israel lacking vehicles at this point, it is snail implementing yet another Magach (I’m not against addition of them dont get me wrong add them alongside actually necessary vehicles) instead of required vehicles.

Well yes, that is correct but I’m not really buying the idea. Chilean Sub-Tree is better in my eyes, I suggest you to check @Chilean_Thunder’s work too.

Agree to disagree then. I’m not just advocating for addition of Turkey but pretty much ever other nation with capacity like I’ve mentioned. Those can be Turkey, Ukraine, Iran and Korea similar to Israel or Yugoslavia, Benelux, Switzerland and Spain/Iberian in conventional form. I’m into seeing new vehicles even if perform similar to what we got.

Do you really think one crew compartment nets in total increase of 10-15 tons ? Altay do have more raw armor than K2, It might not be in frontal arc, but sides to have more armor as well as newly added roof armor.

You can find rough thickness of K2’s sides armor which is only steel, there no composite material behind it. If I’m remembering correctly, K2’ turret weighed around 16 tons while Altay’s 25 tons. K2’s hull again roughly weighed around 38 tons while Altay’s 40 tons. Just food for thought.

Any vehicle leaks yet?

I think its still too early to talk about that
“Air Superiority” released mere half month ago

Ik, you just never know tho.

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Current BattlePass season is nearing end though so we’ll see what next season brings

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It’s funny as the first BP of the year starts on my Birthday lol

Buddy you’re literally talking about different Leopard 2A4 modernizations, not different tanks. Leclerc - Ariete - Leopard comparison is totally out of place here.

I don’t remember comparing it to Ariete.

Many of the staff (CMs and Devs) have holidays over the Christmas / NY / January periods. So levels of activity for most of us and most things will slow down around this time. I am however back this week, just not a huge amount to comment on here given we are still quite far from the next major and in-between things in the festive period.


It is not that out of place. You compared those modernizations performance-wise, I just took a step further. Said vehicles have comparable performance just as modernizations, none are less unique than the other to me.

Joke went over your head. I was being sarcastic about Ariete missing armor there. There was no comparison.

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Gajin forgot another 1st gen & 2nd gen fighter aircraft late 40’s ~ 50’s for USA tech tree 6 years.

USA tech tree lack first fighter 7.0 BR from USN, F-86 Sabre with AIM-9B, another 1st gen fighter 7.3 ~ 8.3, 2nd gen fighter 9.3 ~ 10.7, attack aircraft from early Vietnam war era and another 3rd gen fighter 11.0 ~ 11.7 at rank 7 ~ 8

There is some early French jet needed too, we go to 6.3 to 7.7 without nothing in between.

Would love to have more cool early jet before missile era

French could get 3 Metoer NF, Republic F-84E Thunderjet and de Havilland Vampire & SNCASE Mistral

Howdy Smin, sounds like we probably won’t see much new or activity for a bit, but once the devs are all back from vacation, can we expect to see some more posts talking about stuff like Spall liners for Chinese tanks? They were completely left out of discussion on the previous big posts, and it left many curious as to there status since their are bug reports that have been acknowledged.
Any comment about this situation would be appreciated!


We probably wont be doing article posts on every single tank and series as it would go on quite a lot. The ones already shared and planned were simply responding to the majority of the most requested from the community feedback we received since the update. Regarding other spall liner reports, we will simply begin to answer the reports if there is enough / not enough information. But at this time, its too early to say.


Hello smin, how goes the Challenger Blog…

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