Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

been more than a year and countless reports to gaiajin but they just ignore, if usa used spice maybe israel would have it now since gaiajin isnt hesistant to give usa new weapons

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F-4E from USA tech tree no this PGM

This targeting pod already on F-111C (RAAF) and F-111F (USAF)

So far, F-4E in USA tech tree lack AN/AVQ-23A/B Pave Spike pod 😞

F-4D Early 1969 ~ 1970 equipped AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife targeting pod but fitted AN/ASQ-152(V)-2 Pave Spike pod in 1972, used AIM-4D, AIM-9E and AIM-7E & AIM-7E-2, GBU-8, GBU-9, AGM-62A and GBU-10/B Paveway I LGB. but pre AIM-9J, AGM-65A and AN/ALE-40 Chaff/Flare Dispensers.

F-4E Early in 1970 retain AGM-62A GBU-8, AIM-9E, GBU-9 and AIM-7E & AIM-7E-2 from F-4D but none AIM-4D and GBU-10/B Paveway I LGB. pre AN/AVQ-23A/B Pave Spike targeting pod, AIM-9J, AGM-65A & AGM-65B and AN/ALE-40 Chaff/Flare Dispensers.

There are over 3500 accepted reports not yet resolved so not really that unique of a situation to be in.

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its been a issue for more than a year and a half,tryna rub off like its not unique is a hillarious take. what makes israeli aircraft much diffient from usa is the munitions Israel employs that make them distinguinshed aswell is the indegenous EW israel employs , again until now gaijin fails until now to even add ONE israel a2g weaponry .

Day 353 of asking lol

Hey @Smin1080p_WT

Hope you’re doing great! I was just curious if you could give us any hints about what’s coming in the next War Thunder update? There’s a lot of excitement and speculation flying around after the recent Q&A sessions and previous discussions.

Some of the big questions on everyone’s mind include:

  • What kind of advancements can we expect in naval operations, like carrier operations, submarines, and missile-capable ships?
  • Any new aircraft or ground vehicles in the pipeline?
  • Changes or updates in game mechanics and balance tweaks?

We’re all eagerly waiting for any tidbits you can share to fuel our excitement. Thanks a ton for all your hard work, dedication and sacrifice that you give to the War Thunder community 8)

*Hopefully being super nice, might pay off ^^


More than 1500 of those are over a year old

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Y’all need to remove campers, what I mean is they sit around 0.60km away from your base, talking from experience y’all seriously need to remove that.

They also need to make maps bigger, and matches longer

Yea, i also hate when they set up in front of my spawn, and i have to watch out while driving out of it.

Stupid campers.


top CAS are getting more fire power, we need more new top SPAAs

-Gaijoobles probably


Hey, we have already thrown some pretty big hints about what’s to come over the NY if you know where to look. Sadly at the moment, theres nothing more we can add to that.


I love the feature where you can put words in mouths of others.

Hi Smin, how are you doing?

Always good on a Friday :)


Without giving out any info, can you give us maybe a date, that may or may not be somewhat special to look forward to? (That is not Soon^TM)

Smin: SoonTM

Well that’s me done then.


Some new sub tech tree, a new SPAA or another premium T-80 for USSR, probably new vehicles with a list of missing features. This year started very promissing like the battlepass.

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