Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Here’s a date!



I prefer leek

At least i like those, also good bacon wrapped in a pan or on racklette.

Lets say the 13th of February for the first devblog, that’s probably close enough

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why bringing 4 PARS missiles need same points as bringing 8 PARS missiles?

its is the same for other weapons too, i thing you can lower the needed points for lower in number weapon
not too much, for example 40 less points for bringing 4 PARS

What da hell

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How about if the headline will be a tank, aircraft or maybe even a boat?

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ouch lol

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guys what is the key for rejecting teamkill apologize? lol

once one of my teamates rejected my apologize and game kicked me out from the match lol

Yes ))

It will have a little bit of everything.


Even helicopters with naval turrets ? lol

It’s just if you don’t hit accept, and it still requires two TKs to be kicked I think, from what I’ve seen anyways

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305mm gun on an Alouette confirmed

Or this : P lol


@Smin1080p_WT Do you get told about what the April Fools event will be early?

If so is it something fun? Like something better than last year’s April Fools? (Not exactly a high bar but still)

I see a man of culture lol

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What if its none of them and something new


world war i ocean GIF by US National Archives

Kind of, but I think they will add it with everything except for radar homing since they’ve said no to that before