Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

So you’re happy to take an AMRAAM over a MICA in a close range enviroment, suit yourself

It would be 14.0 worthy, just that the Eurofighter and Rafale are 14.3 worthy

That is a strawman.

Well clear up your opinion then, are you saying the AMRAAM is better than the MICA or not?

No, and I never implied it, either. I said the AMRAAM is capable at closer ranges and nothing else.

Within 2km no, but outside of that the AMRAAM does fine, most of the time you can keep people outside that, but yes the Rafale is the better dogfighter thanks to its missiles

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I usually avoid traditional close fight in ARB, head-in encounter in close range usually means both you and enemy dies, which is not pleasant. in sarh age, it’s like a cowboy duel, faster one wins, now, both dies anyway.
sometimes, you may encounter a group of head-on enemy, and throw away all missiles with hmd, and get many kills, but it’s not so common and dies too quickly

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And yet it is nowhere near as good as MICA, making the Rafale (and by extension the Mirages) more meta given that most players simply multipath towards the middle of the map and the match results in a furball again

Don’t enter the furball and instead climb to roughly 5000m and suddenly you’re clear to rain missiles down on those guys and multipathing won’t do anything since the missiles are coming from above. Problem solved.


You can simply use multipath, and no Fox 3 missile will hit you, while you can launch MICA without even moving your nose

Ever since multipathing was decreased to 60m, it stopped being nearly as effective since you have to be closer to the ground, making it easier for the explosion to hit you even if the missile hits the ground. I’ve gotten plenty of kills like this.


it’s not so easy, usually you will crash on hills if not moving your nose.


My justification will be based of the 3rd, I adore the mirage 2000 in the current meta site to its competent radar, MICAs, high CM count, robust FM, HMD and guns.
Emphasis on the MICAs and HMD combo which make the jet the ultimate thorn in the side of literally any jet in the matchmaker, you are now than maneuverable enough to keep up with everything and fast enough to remain competitive with other 4th gens (doesn’t quite keep up with the 4.5s).

My strategy for flying this plane is to bring full missile loadout with 26 mins of fuel (no tank), once you take off (or on airspawn) pull off to the left and climb to roughly 5000m (just below contrail height).
Switch your radar to close band TWS and use manual controls to scan the airspace, (keeping an eye on stragglers who head off to their right in search of a quick kill).
Then once the first people begin to die during the BVR spam, assess your surroundings for enemies and turn into the furball, try and envision arcing around it and peeking in, maintaining your speed and altitude as an energy leverage and then try and plant your MICAs directly onto people’s foreheads (they ignore multipathing if launched correctly) or at people up high and within 15km (notching is difficult for the average BVR spamming EFT/F-15).

This is a brief (still lengthy lol) guide to a playstyle applicable to nearly any to tier jet and provides a very flexible and dominant approach to the Meta in Air RB, combined with good notching skill and effective employment of your Thales RDY can easily garner multi-kills and Ace matches.

Above is how I play all my top tier jets, and so far it has garnered far more success with a MICA slinger than any of the AMRAAM ones (although I have been matched commonly with America when playing Israel and had to deal with german teammates in the EFT so matches are swayed in favour of the Chinese Mirage)

we were talking about new type of planes that would be added to the game, old platform prop planes with modern weapon

like air tractor with gbu

See that is personal play style, not meta, when the F-15C and E was meta I still prefered playing and had more success with the J-10A, but it doesn’t change the fact that the F-15s were the more meta jet

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If meta is defined as ease of success then sure, the BVR oriented jets are better, but if is is defined as capability compared to competition then the Rafale is still the best jet

There seems to be a model of some version of Q-5 in the game files, does anyone know what version it is and what’s interesting about it?

I am just giving you an example. In close combat, you have to launch AMRAAM roughly towards the enemy, but MICA doesnt care, even if the enemy is flying directly above you, you can launch it without changing your flight path - without leaving the multipath zone. Also most maps are flat. The AIM-120 is effective against noobs who get taken out early, but MICA is the missile that determines the outcome of matches

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Also in ease of defense, the AMRAAM can be defended simply by notching and a couple of chaff pops, whereas a missile like the MICA requires far more effort to notch within 20km than any other fox-3 (besides maybe Derby), this is emphasised in difficulty due to the Rafale’s AESA radar providing guidance data and allowing for easier angle-gating for the missile seeker.

Arcing back to my original point, China should get it’s AESA aircraft sooner rather than later as an external buff to their PL-12s for the same reason as this

I’m sorry, but how many decades will it take for British Phantom stats to “settle down”?

When the objectively worse Phantom variant (F-4J UK) with worse flight performance and worse RWR that can’t even detect soviet radars and less countermeasures is at 12.0 while the better FGR.2 and FG.1 are at 11.3, and this has been the case for a long time.

Not sure how this even makes any sense …

To me it seems that you guys don’t even care …