Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Those planes still belong to singapore air force, they just deployed their for training. They may have American marking but it a requirement since they are station in American territory

You can bump reports? What effect has such?

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It’s updated to be relevant to the current version (providing it’s still applicable) and refreshes the report date to the current date.

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wiesel with 8 spikes!
top battle rate nightmare lol




tiger uht currently does not have this type of rockets in the game, add it please

german bell uh-1d have this type of rockets

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Whatever type of rocket it is, feel free to make a suggestion report for it so it can be properly logged (if one doesn’t already exist).


The current search for bug report site is pretty chaotic and inefficient, is there any plan to change the system or to make some sort of tag system like forums? I currently struggle to find any report of any vehicle as seemingly it is search purely based off term.

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Could this also be bumped then please?

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Long time lurker first time poster here so i do not know if im correct here or not and if its allowed to ping smin.

In the last passed to developers Air RB EC was a proposal.

How are the chances that we get it back, cause i really liked that mode and IF it comes back in what timeframe are we talking about? A year? Two?


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I mean, passed to devs just means that the idea has been passed onto them, it doesnt mean its coming to game.

Best guess is anywhere between next update and never as its ultimately up to the devs (who arent terribly active on the forums) to decide wether to follow through with any of the suggestions.

Hey. You can use date filters to narrow down (sometimes it may be set to a month or so, so removing this may expand your search).

But we hopefully plan to keep making improvements wherever it’s possible for users to navigate.

Some much needed French, Italian and Japanese weaponry, vehicles and bugs have been passed for yeeeeaaaarss, and have been acknowledged for yeeeeeeaaaars, yet these bugs, weaponry and vehicles havent been patched or added yet.

Especially the bugs… thats a real big issue. Its mostly just neglect from Gaijin’s side.


As lxtav mentioned, suggestions passed to the Devs is just a sign that they will be considered. Not a guarantee of implementation or confirmation they are coming.

But it’s always possible past events can return. (Outside of April fools generally)



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?? Which ones ??
I seriously dont know.

Yeah… we’ve noticed…
Still lots of iconiq planes and tanks missing.
Especially for China, France, Japan, (few for GB) and Italy.
I sure hope we get Japanese WWII CAS someday… Yet the “passed for considerations” for these vehicles is also reaching its 10th anniversary (slight over exaggeration, they were also passed on the old-forums.). Even the most produced Japanese WWII bombers are still missing! 😂😂


I remember 2S14, which passed in 2014, what else

For sure, and there generally will always be vehicles “missing” if we look at all of history.

We are expanding the roster of vehicles every major update and typically have more than any other combat game out there, with in general, more added per year than any other game. As a result, we have many types that have never been covered in games before and it won’t stop there :)


Well i have to hope then.

Thanks for the answers anyway :)

I have a suggetsion to make a single major update with far less new vehicles maybe even none and insted focus fixing all the serious problems
Im sure a lot of players will support that