Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Fixed as in, it got remodelled but it’s still off by a country mile?
It’s the same crap as with the Q-5L, they just do not give a flying F*** about it.


F-105 and Q-5L suffer so much lol

Well, to be fair, they are all still missing their spall liners, which was… the main thing, hahah.

They got to it very quickly indeed (unlike the practically abandoned Type 10s, Merkavas, etc), but they half-assed all of it, just like they did with the Challenger 2s.


Not at all…

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Not even just those two. They got two separate BR systems for planes and just refuse to even bother with giving some their historical armaments or specifying block numbers/ model years.
Another good example would be the A-7E, where’s the AIM-9Ms for it or AGM-65.
The Kurnass 2k got mentioned, that one’s still missing Walleyes and GBU-8s, what good does it do when it can’t take TV and laser stuff together?
I could go on and on but the issue will never be adresses. Hell even new additions are half baked, look at the F-5T

Ah I see, we’re in the suffering contest part of the evening then huh?

I mean, for a7e there are already 2 other 11.7 tt jets in US, with a7e 9m it would be 3

Yea but if you look at it that way it was the USN workhorse even in the Gulf war and it’s also a faster alternative to the A-10, while being a quite cool navy jet.
Heavily misrepresented in the game to be honest.

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Think its more likely they may focus on nations la king 14.0’s though they could also focus on just Russia air wise next update and the rest be ground focused.

Fair enough. If the 105 can’t get flares I’d at least hope for it to be 10.0 so it doesn’t compete with tornadoes for bases


Yea well… Same goes for the F-4C and for example the Su-17M2. Those get molested as soon as anything just about farts their way as well.
It’s painful lol

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Honestly most 10.0 and 10.3 vehucles without flares all suffer from not having them. I cant think of the last time a saw a F4C, that wasn’t trying to play the radar missile game to avoid most low BR IR missile fights. Or a single J35D, haven’t seen one in like 2 years. Ive seen more Mirage IIIC then most other flareless fighters, i see Q5L and F105 but probably since most people are base bombing.


March updates tend to be less groundbreaking, the big ones are usually June and December

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Although did we get Hungarian air last March ?

Which was hardly groundbreaking, since all planes used old 3D models, only new textures.

True but gaijin does need to fill in the gap air wise for three of their nations considering the performance difference between those nations 13.7’s and 14.0 though imo they could fix this by increasing air to 15.0 and decompressing more than just the current rank 8

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The tinfoil hat in me believes that Gaijin will ignore years old reports on vehicles if # of reports are few (1-2). While if a vehicle has numerous reports on it, then higher consideration is given to the vehicle and all of its reports regardless of how new the reports are. This also explains why new vehicles often get more attention as they rack up 10-20+ reports in a short amount of time. So if you’re tired of reports on a certain vehicle sitting around for years, continue to make other reports on said vehicles (no matter how small of an effect it may have).

Perhaps each vehicle has a threshold (like 10 or more reports open) in which the developers may give them another look over as a whole.

But I could be wildly off the mark.

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Is there any updates regarding any of the Abrams bug reports that were passed like a year ago. Like are devs aware of them at all?



Developers are aware of the issues. I checked the reports and for now there are no updates, I’ve bumped all the report you sent.