Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

the F-15SE was never exported. and the F-15SA was operated by the US

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The SE would have been so cool, it’s such a shame it never saw service, maybe we’ll see it added in an event or something, given that it has no equivalent

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Thats a test bed SE was never adopted coupd definitely be a premium or event vehicle

SA = Suadi Arabia currently dont have a tree i would also see this as a premium. Maybe the couple it with the M1A2S

I think you are going to struggle if you want every vehicle the US nodernised for orher nations in the US tree.

look at the roundel under the pilot m8

And unlike the YF-23, it had a fully functioning internal weapons bay


though saying that, the YF-23 would also be fine as an event vehicle after we have the F-22 and company, assuming Gaijin have enough to make the thing work

YF-23 catching strays.

but yeah, would be really interesting to see

id rather have YF-23 as squadron vehicle though, thats where the cool stuff that wouldnt quite fit into the tree should be.

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The issue is that the US has so many cool test bed aircraft, I’m not sure there’s room for all of them in that little premium tab

Doesnt mean anything, we all know orange flashes are for test airframes.

Looks at this Saudi Tornado…but it has RAF roundels.

TBF if a Saudi Tornado is added to the game, it would be in the British tree

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1st world problems lol. tacit blue when?


As a premium likely the case and if Tornados were not universally reviled by the majority of the player base we would likely have it in game by now

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I mean look at that, we’re like best friends or something



Problem is there is no information on them.
The F-117 works because it was just a stealth bus.

A prototype or in the case of Raptor. You are never going to find any declassified information on it.
It’s going to be guess work.

looks like if you asked a 3-year-old to draw an F-117

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Well as long as they buy our stuff we are ha ha

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one big happy family

topping off at the local gas station


the cheif engineer of the B-2 (which makes it even crazier) said himself it “was arguably the most unstable aircraft man had ever flown.”

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I mean the F-117 was used in anger by the US, several times, it’s not a test bed.

and sure, lots of US testbeds will be hard to add because of lack of info, but tbh there’s just as much info about most of them as there is about the F-22, and no one doubts that’s eventually being added.

Aircraft like the F-16XL and F-15SE are just too cool not to add, but they also can’t realistically be in the tech tree, so adding them as event/squadron/premium vehicles later would be a nice compromise, and good for Gaijin’s coffers, I mean God knows I’d drop £80 on an F-15SE in a heartbeat

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that does not surprise me in the least, it’s vertical stabilizer is almost lay flat, and it has the aerodynamics of a minibus

The top one does look hot ngl