pretty sweet livery
guess what one of its nicknames was (according to wiki)
please don’t tell me they called it the minibus
alien school bus, and “the whale”
honestly, it seems deserving of both xD
It’s a bit of an insult to whales though I think
Oh i know the Nighthawk was used extensively i meant a test for the game. No one expected anything from the F-117. Its slow, lacks systems no A2A and flies like a bus. It was the perfect dipping of the toe.
Raptor will underperform and overperform in certain aspects and we wont be able to give gaijin information to correct it. Unless the US has declassified it as that is the only source available.
Yes we need the fun jets the F-15MTD, Su-47, Yf 23
They are too iconic not to add
imagine if they put bombs in it and it went into service. wouldve deleted that one SAM site tbh
the US reinvents kamikaze
NASA subtree for US, top tier is just a Saturn V rocket
Full FBW (first of its kind) F-8 when?
Premium vehicle
Uuuumm when people can pressure you from 30km ( if they don’t defend or lazy defend 100% they will get hit) from 8k+ meters at Mach 1.4+ and you’re low…also the steeper the angle in the vertical it seems from what I have played multipathing looks to take less affect! So…if the first 120 does not kill assisted with a soft TWS lock the second one is going to because you have forced them so defensive and closed the distance they can’t get away! Only time I worry about the mica is when playing the Flanker because you have similar range.
The % of people that do this I will admit is not so high though…but you absolutely can.
See, you’re discounting the power of positive thinking. In reality, it doesn’t matter how far an AIM-120 can go. I don’t believe it can hit me, therefore, it won’t.
Brah 🤯 why didn’t I think of this when fighting with my Flanker radar…GAME CHANGER! Guess we don’t need the Su-30SM anymore…😢😭 Gaijin, I’m joking when I say that ok.
F-15C with AESA radar (AN/APG-63(V)2 or AN/APG-63(V)3) after F-15C MSIP II, my guess
But battle rating would be 14.7 minimum or 15.3 max
F-16C-25 pre CUPID (The Combat Upgrade Plan Integration Details) MRAAM limited AIM-7M but no laser guided bomb, AIM-120A and targeting pod
idk, seems a bit high considering 2019 rafale with AESA is 14.0
EAP :)
Rafale C F3-R up to 14.3, 2x magic 2 replace with 6x MICA IR but reduced 8x MICA EM → 6x MICA EM and omitted Scorpion HMCS (test)
But 3 years (2028) or 4 years (2029) gajin might ready Meteor for Rafale C F3-R with battle rating 15.3
i think nasa planes are unarmed