Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

The F-22s stealth will make it too good against 9Ms and 120As and the equivalent missiles we have in game right now, you want to improve the missiles first and add stealth after really, otherwise stealth will dominate

Soviets have Su-27SM which gained massive airframe buffs last major update surpassing F-15C in airframe performance. With a competitive [not meta] radar, and weapon kit.
And China has Mirage 2000 5F and J-10A for now though obviously they’ll have J-15 soon enough.

what about 120C-5 for F-15, EFT, and fixed MICA for Rafale, and F-22 with C-1 (clipped wing 120A/B)?

also stealth wont stop an AIM-9 from going up its tailpipe

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Btw what about adding MICA-IR to the game? Basically like MICA-EM but fox 2

thats a little ways away, it is a very potent missile

MICA EM is defeatable currently, MICA IR wouldn’t be defeatable with how flares are currently modeled.

yeah, like I said, better missiles first, and stealth later, also the F-22 does have a reduced IR signature which means IR missiles will be more susceptible to flares, so with all that combined adding stealth without better missiles would be a mistake, and I think it’ll be December before we get all the new missiles we’d need, at the earliest

What makes it so much more potent that the EM? I’m not a big expert on missiles tbh

You also have to remember that not everyone is even at the level of the F-15E, Eurofighter and Rafale yet, that will be June at the soonest

thats not how it works, do you think a heat seeker cares about IR reduction methods meant to reduce the range at which an IRST can see/lock it? have you seen/heard an F-22 on full burner lol?

very, very good IRCCM with MICA-EM flight performance. like the final form of the R27ET

Oh I did read somewhere that the MICA-IR had an anti-flares filter system but didn’t know it was that efficient

Until you realize that F-22 would be facing IRCCM missiles still as an afterburning jet while having the same missiles as everyone else.
Yeah, harder to radar lock… that’s it.

There are many tech trees with F-15C/E, Typhoon, Su-27SM, and Rafale as well.

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damn didn’t know its irccm was that good, thought it was just a decent missile lol

they do have less visible engine heat, and that is modeled in game, the F-14A has insanely hot engines and because of that it eats IR missiles way more than other aircraft. You can turn the burner off you know

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its why even the 9X, which in the early versions was pretty short range (used up energy with TVC, with 9M motor) isnt in game yet, its IIR seeker is incredibly capable

not enough for it to really matter though. barely noticeable at best

Oh ok, I’m starting to understand a lot of things


We need better flare modeling in War Thunder before these missiles are added.
Actual IR spectrum simulation for example.


It is one of the main features of the F-22s stealth, it was designed specifically to help against IR missiles