Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)


I forgot to quote, so I deleted it to remake it, then I realised I could just have edited in the quote… just me things xD

Woe gone puff too, that would explain the lack in flags recently too lol

Fairly expensive Krone wise, though ive only heard bad things about the AMX for air so i would’ve stayed away

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Yeah, but everything you say is “this sucks, and that sucks and everything sucks and will always suck” you’re the worst kind of pessimist because you act as if some bad decisions mean everything Gaijin do will be bad, why do you have to put people down because you haven’t gotten what you want.

We all agree that the Finnish tree sucks, and that Sweden overall is neglected, but that doesn’t mean everything Gaijin do in the rest of the trees will be like that.

Confirmation of an expansion of the Finnish subtree is objectively good news, doesn’t matter if it’s 3 years away, it’s objectively good, yet you manage to be negative about it still, why can’t you just try being positive about something for once

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Bare in mind Russia could have 3 versions of the Su-30.

Theoretically, Russia can have many more than just three.

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Question is, does Russia want 3 versions of the SU-30?

Because why would i get my hopes up for them to be crushed, false hope is far more damaging, if my expectations are already at there lowest gaijin can’t get worse (well they can lol) you point to me where he said the entire finnish tree is getting expanded and not a vague yes. I have no reason to believe gaijin will add anything more than a F18 (if) its even added anyways. Gaijin would have to actually try to improve the air tree in the slightest and it would be enough for me to be more trusting. Where are the gripen bug reports that were marked as accepted before the C came to the live for SAAF? Why does the C still get a place holder radar it never used? Again if any small fixes were worked on id be in a much more accepting mood, but it has been a downhill march for 2 years.

Regardless this is off topic cope from me lmao

Generally Rank VIII is already mostly composed of MBTs. There was also a desire for many other requested and gap filling vehicles across various ranks. Spesifically for the British for example, there was very much direct feedback for less MBTs. So the focus this year for them was key vehicles like the Fox, Scimitar and Desert Warrior. All heavily requested machines. Similarly for the French, Vextra and VBCI light tanks. Germany, vehicles like the Spike armed Puma and Luchs A2 and Zerstörer 45. China as a whole also received multiple new domestic vehicles.

We for sure have not forgotten about Rank VIII or MBTs, but as always, there is a lot of different things people wish to see and only so much of it can come at once.

What warrants a vehicle to be classed in Rank 8 if not BR?

Its technology, features and general era can also define its BR. Like the Tornados in the British tree for example which are all Rank VIII.

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Su-30SM, Su-30SM2 and perhaps the Su-30M2 as a premium or event.

They can but Gaijin just combine versions together
Like the current Su-27Sm (2,3) who knows what version it is

What about the event german tornado vs the premium. Do Komorans warrant the Rank increase? Or is it because of how well it could effectively grind.

I was referring to the variants which don’t offer any sizable difference from each other that, if they do come, will be premiums/event vehicles.

This was due to the Komorans and its event status yes.

So then for vehicles like the Namer 30 and the Vilkas. What makes them Rank 7 worthy compared to the CV90 MK.IV (E)? They both have air tracking and remote control turrets. Both of which make them more versatile vehicles so why is the MK.IV rank 8?

As I mentioned above, there are a range of factors that decide it like the examples provided. Sadly I cannot go vehicle by vehicle in every tree explain each nuance. We will be here all night :)

Worth a try, last question. Any idea if the CV90 MK.IV (E) has any of its bug reports planned to be adressed soon? Its been over a month now and it would be nice to see it up to where it should be.