Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Im all for Domestic but gaijin would rather C&P so they dont have to make a new model for a single nation


Speaking of developments, do you know if a potential Rank 7 premium ground vehicle for France is considered for 2025 now that the 10.7 lineup is getting filled ?

This is most visible at rank 8


Funny money уиллем дефо GIF on GIFER - by Ragebreaker

CV90 MK.IV is rank 8 so why is it rank 7 in the list?

Some kind of mistake

And what did he forget there anyway?

When will be next BR changes?

Not soon enough

I love active protection system systems.

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Thats a very poor argument, Finland deserve more than it has, but just because it’s been neglected doesn’t mean India should be too

Didn’t say they should did I?

I stated thats just how it works, which is unfortunately the case. I simply gave him an example of another tree and used reason as to why his case probably wouldn’t come true.

Not once did i say india doesn’t deserve to have their unique vehicles in that.

So please dont go stating i said something else than what i did If you simply misunderstood what i wrote my bad.

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Didn’t you say you would also buy the KV-1A regardless because it would be good? I never did see you tall about it on release so i very much doubt you’ll check it out side from maybe looking at it in the hanger then going back to a different nation lol.

Maybe if its actually good i might say something good about the tree, like the BT-42 is fairly solid though undeniably silly and not very effective at its historical BR, regardless Pershings fear me, well if they dint have a 50 cal available lol

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Tbh I was on holiday at the time and it was a right pickle so I did forget about that one true lol
Plus the Brazilian bundle was more worth it hehe

Lets be real you don’t actually plan on buying it ;)

Especially considering it has no lineup, maybe if gaijin actually adds the Sturmi it might be a half decent linup, get a TD with a 40mm, get another TD with the 90/53’s aphe, get another TD with the sherman gun and wait another TD? But this time its finnish…oh boy the TD lineup

You should play the BT42 more often though, it is truly a vehicle of all time at 6.7

So Finland gets nothing for 2 years and your reaction to it finally maybe getting something is anger, wtf are you on man?

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Sorry 2 years to wait and we get 1 thing? Sorry but that doesn’t make up for all the times they’ve had to fix the TT. That line literally would be one of the shortest if they didn’t add two swedish vehicles to it.

They could’ve added planes to fix the 5.X gap, or CAS to fix the other gaps, or fighter to fix the 8.x-10.0 black hole for some of the worst aircraft in the game. Why should i be happy that 1 cryptic thing is coming. For all we know this is the only vehicle they’ll get until F-35A

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As I said if it wasn’t for the Brazilian pack I would of brought the KV-1, but since that pack has was an absolute steal for a 10% off the AMX, a free aircraft and extra GE at a lower cost what the normal originally AMX was. Who couldn’t ?

I don’t look at bundles, so i have no idea what was in the bundle you speak funny magic words to me lol

Meanwhile Rank VIII Ground having seen the addition of only ONE MBT (Leopard 2A7HU) over the entirety of the year 2024: XD

Rank VIII Ground was made out to be such a big deal back in December 2023, only to then proceed to add a single vehicle over the course of an entire year… F.

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Did Spanish avengers post just nope out of existence?

Edit: no im just insane