Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean that wasn’t the point the point was people moaning about C&P and not wanting aircraft from all over to be mix in one tree.

An Indian sub or an independent tree you will still get that same mixed results

It does also diminish other TT’s rn why grind sweden when their best fighter is only 3 other TT’s with other options? Why should they get muktiple options but not them. Same with Russia and the same with other nations, why did Sweden need the Finnish 2a6 when the German didn’t have a better vehicle? Its pretty rude regardless to do that to any nation.

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Well you are asking a question that we simply cannot answer currently without potentially giving certain things away. So sadly cryptic it is for the time being.

Once again, we cannot reveal spesifically what BRs certain future vehicles that are in the works will fall at. Indeed, we are working on some SPAAs to resolve gaps.


Ask for permission to feed us, we are starving


Gaijin didn’t care when they cried about the Bhishma, :shrug:

You know my stance on them and if the f18 is it thats a amazing joke. Guess we’ll need to see if the snail plans on making them actually useful cause one jet isnt a good solution.

By chance will it be another premium ;)

You know i had to do it considering thats where all of finlands unique vehicles go lol

Mummy : O

Im ready for it to be a IL-28 and thats it lol

Could be the Hornet : P

Again one vehicle is a worthless addition, Finland has vehicles that could fill actual gaps, why are those huge gaps not being adressed. Again 1 addition in what 2 years? Thats a amazing joke, just like the tree itself


Is that mean that the MBT in WT has stopped updating to avoid the excessive technology gap? we do have some nations don’t have enough good top tiers MBT to go against like Leo2A7 or Strv122B+, Has the development team focused on IFV and SPAA? By the way, consider the GRB BR is still 12.7, any recent plan for BR extending?

Eh each to there own but what ever it is I’m sure to check it out

@Smin1080p_WT Weird question but are you able to say yes or no if there’s anything coming this year that you know about that was genuinely surprising to know is on it’s way?

Or maybe something which has been said by people here to not be coming when it infact is? Like people saying the Typhoons are a long ways away and then bam here’s an update trailer with a Typhoon.

Nothing has stopped development. Just there were a lot of commonly requested things focused on recently that happened to be IFVs like VBCI, Lights like the Vextra and SPAAs like the T77. But development of all types of vehicles continues.

Considering the current care for the subtree i fully doubt it will be decent, if im wrong that would be a first, so far ive been right about Finland the past 2 years so no reason that would change.

People already complain (rightly) about the lack of additions to their minor nation ofc unfortunately subtrees are going to get less

If you mean me personally being surprised then yes for sure. There always is. Like the F-117 last year was a complete broadside when we found out. Because inner 2013 WT me still could not come to terms with the fact the Nighthawk was coming to the game )))


I think most of us are still stuck on the 2016 mindset lol

As it’s still crazy we have thee typhoon now

Can you name a vehicle that isn’t going to be included in the next major update?

There’s some issues with it, there should be a line drawn somewhere with it anyway. Instead of getting what is basically Ctrl-C, Ctrl-P, it should receive more domestic designs vehicles, like the Arjun or the HAL etc.

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