The forum never disappoint, they do everything to get this piece of crap added to the game
Fair enough, I wonder if anything can be done about that because 48 isn’t enough, 72 is passable like the J-10 but anything less will be a pain
Atleast its single drops, that makes it lot more bearable
That’s considering single drops, 48 just isn’t enough for 14.0
almost nothing to do. welcome to 21th, a age that missiles are smart enough to ignore almost all CMs, so things like BOL pods isn’t needed IRL.
Definitely not, would force the J-15 into a very defensive playstyle
You have said a couple of times in 2024 that the Eurofighter was too advanced to be added to the game
September 24th 2024
You said this 3 months before the Eurofighter was added. Throughout the whole year nothing was added that would make the Eurofighters less ,too advanced", F15E and Su-34 didnt changed that.
But then when EF was added, you said it was planned to come in the December patch for ,over a year".
That doesnt make sense.
If not sure what the question is here? I said in this post that the Eurofighter is more advanced than the J-10A added in dance of the dragons. Which it is. Not that it was “too advanced” to come to the game in 2024.
Plans are usually made for key vehicles more than a year in advance. I’m not sure what is confusing about that.
Bro, he said the game wasn’t ready for r73 a week before they added the missile. This is normal.
don’t Twist it like this
he was correct
when F-16A and MiG-29 9.12A/9.13 were added it WAS too powerful
Please dont deliberately mislead people. That was in respondse to the top fighter platforms of the game at the the time getting them. Not a subsonic attacker platform.
No, He said the game wasn’t ready for r73 months after those planes released. They released the su25bm with r73 a week later. Once that plane came out the goalpost was moved to “it’s not ready for fighters.” then they released it for the SMT a month after that. It makes sense, as he is going to what’s best for the business but i’m not making things up either.
No it wasn’t.
You wont deny that you said multiple times that EF is “too advanced” do you?
And my question is, when nothing in 2024 was added that made the EF less “too advanced” why have you used that to deny the EF for all major updates of 2024
War thunder community in a nut shell
additions that made the Eurofighter less “too advanced” from 2024:
Rafale C
Rafale was added at the time time and was needed to be added at the same time.
The E & I were added so the US fan base wouldn’t kick off but they still did
Rafale came with EF, you know that, so it doesn’t change what was already true.
The F-15E was never meant to be as good as it was, it was supposed to just be a strike version if the eagle, not the new meta jet, that seems clear from how it was handled and how the BR changes came later after community calls for it
Are you asking if at any point in time if we ever said said this? Sure. In 2023 we said this multiple times and in earlier parts of 2024 it was indeed more advanced than some of the other vehicles added and was never going to come earlier in the year.
We however have never said the aircraft was too advanced to come in 2024.
So overall it’s not clear what “gotcha” you are trying to achieve here or what the point of your question is? You appear to be taking answers out of their context and trying to make them into something they are not.
At no point did we said the EFT was never coming in 2024.