we need better SPAAs for all nations in high battle rate, right now my VT-1 wont work anymore lol
if you do some maneuvers with your jet at 5km away from me, my VT-1 wont hit you lol
we need better SPAAs for all nations in high battle rate, right now my VT-1 wont work anymore lol
if you do some maneuvers with your jet at 5km away from me, my VT-1 wont hit you lol
though I think BP is isolated from normal event, so it’s better to look through recent battle pass
imagine a Puma but faster
The base J-15 wouldnt have a AESA radar, it would still have the mechanical PD radar of the J-11B. IIRC there is the J-15A which came along when the J-11Bs and BHs were upgraded to the BG and BHG, which gave it a AESA radar
My guess for next patch is something for top tier ussr air and F/a 18.
I can’t think of a single one that would be even remotely fair for other tankers
The forum never disappoint, they do everything to get this piece of crap added to the game
Fair enough, I wonder if anything can be done about that because 48 isn’t enough, 72 is passable like the J-10 but anything less will be a pain
Atleast its single drops, that makes it lot more bearable
That’s considering single drops, 48 just isn’t enough for 14.0
almost nothing to do. welcome to 21th, a age that missiles are smart enough to ignore almost all CMs, so things like BOL pods isn’t needed IRL.
Definitely not, would force the J-15 into a very defensive playstyle
You have said a couple of times in 2024 that the Eurofighter was too advanced to be added to the game
September 24th 2024
You said this 3 months before the Eurofighter was added. Throughout the whole year nothing was added that would make the Eurofighters less ,too advanced", F15E and Su-34 didnt changed that.
But then when EF was added, you said it was planned to come in the December patch for ,over a year".
That doesnt make sense.
If not sure what the question is here? I said in this post that the Eurofighter is more advanced than the J-10A added in dance of the dragons. Which it is. Not that it was “too advanced” to come to the game in 2024.
Plans are usually made for key vehicles more than a year in advance. I’m not sure what is confusing about that.
Bro, he said the game wasn’t ready for r73 a week before they added the missile. This is normal.
don’t Twist it like this
he was correct
when F-16A and MiG-29 9.12A/9.13 were added it WAS too powerful
Please dont deliberately mislead people. That was in respondse to the top fighter platforms of the game at the the time getting them. Not a subsonic attacker platform.
No, He said the game wasn’t ready for r73 months after those planes released. They released the su25bm with r73 a week later. Once that plane came out the goalpost was moved to “it’s not ready for fighters.” then they released it for the SMT a month after that. It makes sense, as he is going to what’s best for the business but i’m not making things up either.
No it wasn’t.