Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

and 5 times the fire rate (200 rpm to 1000 rpm iirc)

We never denied the EFT for “all major updates” of 2024. It was always planned to come at the end of the year. Earlier manors it indeed was never coming in.

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Rafale came in the same update, obviously then

F15E and I didnt changed the “too advanced” term

They were just stupidly fast but added no game breaking mechanics

So, No.

Eurofighter too came when it was needed

a little late for my taste even

Sadly yes it was. The questions and context were clearly aimed at the top fighters of the time. Not aircraft like the Su-25.

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neither did the EFT

Brimstone was there already

MAWS was there already

AMRAAM was too

fast 10 Missile jets were there

Agile Jets were too

it just combines all that

Im not trying to have a “gotcha” moment here. Im trying to understand how the implemation of EF was planned.

Like you said, throughout 2024 it was said multiple times that “EF is currently too advanced to come to the game” when nothing in that time was added, that made it less “too advanced”

And when we are at it, could you tell me what about the EF was too advanced?

The Flight performance?

(Cant be the radar bc its miserable)

Generally no. But some do seem to get a kick out of removing context and trying to spin something as something it was not it seems.

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Hmm, i have not seen this for a while, guess ill do it myslef.

Dovbleg when?

Yesterday :)))))

Never + your banned

I’m ngl, I’m not about to just ignore my first hand experience with the issue. You’re simply going to say what’s convenient for you and your business. That includes covering your rear end with clearly misleading statements. It’s not the first time smin and it’s not going to be the last. I hope you had a good holiday and have a good day. Good day sir.



So where is the F-2 and AAM-4B?


Much like the majors in the years before it, major new top of the line jets are typically deployed towards the end of the year.

At the end of last year, the F-15E, F-15I, Rafale and all 3 Eurofighter Typhoons came within a month of each other. Meaning that a range of aircraft with similar levels of performance could all move up the top echelon BR of the game to 14.0. Marking a notable improvement in performance.

The answer you quoted was regarding why it did not come with the J-10A. Which as is quite obvious given the context now and performance of all those aircraft added after.

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I used this quote as a example of “too advanced” in the quick search i couldnt find more.

But the point came through.

So the overall performance of the Eurofighter made it too advanced?

That’s unfortunate you see it that was as we never intentionally post anything misleading. Anything removed from context can however be used in different ways and to mean different things.

We receive questions all day every day and do our very best to answer as many as we can with all the information we can. It’s somewhat disappointing when people accuse you of lying and misleading when that was never the case.

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isn’t it?

Do we know if Gaijin planned to introduce DLFG (Nvidia Frame Generation) and DLRR (Ray reconstruction) for Ray tracing ?

Because actual implementation is painful to use, there is some artifacts and huge performance drop. And these 2 technologies could help a lot with these problems.

You tried to say this quote was somehow regarding the whole of 2024. When we never said the EFT was “too advanced” to come in 2024 as a whole. We never ruled it out for the year. Just contextually in any updates ahead of time when it wasn’t coming (like the J-10A quote above you posted).

It was always going to come at the very end of the year in the final major update or 2024 alongside the Rafale.