Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Sure but it’s still competitive in ground RB and has really good flight performance. The F-15J(M) might have been king before the F-15E and is still up there but that’s only air RB and there’s more to the game than one mode.

I also notice you left out the Mirage. The same argument for not adding the F-2 could be used to not add the Rafale.

While I agree with this sentiment, this isn’t always true. F-16AJ for example ended up being copy paste of the F-16A but came 3 months later.

Again you’re just looking at air RB. F-2 would solve Japan’s top tier CAS issue while also being a domestic addition.

That won’t change if we wait 1 year or 5 years, especially when these aircraft are going to be used actively for decades to come. Why wait when you can rip the band-aid off now.

You joke but it might happen lol. People always say something is too soon then get surprised when Gaijin skips ahead. Happened with F-16, F-15, EFT, etc. I’m sure we’ll see F-22 in 2025.

I’d argue it’d be about the same and get forgotten especially since the US got nothing for once and even though they have the F-15E, and outside of a bit of grumbling it’s business as usual. The real star of this update is the EFT and everything else is secondary, including the Rafale.


Sweden get’s what ?

Not an South African Gripen since south africa is our sub

Sweden gets a Gripen E

they would props get it at some point next year

Not anytime soon hopefully

My entire argument is made around air RB air, and ad i said earlier imho adding aircraft just because a country (supposedly in case of F-15e su34)needs CAS without caring about air RB shouldn’t happen.

Again, Rafale was added because if it was not added together with the Rafale the forum would be filled with angry french mains lol (/s).

That whole thing was controversial, imho they should have added it immediately since it was clear as day F-4ej kai didn’t stand a chance against 4th gens but it should have been a block15 instead of a block10 with sparrows.

I wouldn’t have minded the F2 being added at all, don’t get me wrong. What i am relatively fine about is that the countries that didn’t get anything for once all had something still not completely useless in top tier air.
Fighter aircraft additions logic should prioritize air modes first.

How about just stopping at 4.5 gen?
F-15C with aesa, F-18E/F and F-15E for US.

EFT for Uk,Ger and italy

Rafale for france

F2 for Japan

Su-35(maybe, as with tvc FM would likely be complete fantasy again (same issue i have with 5th gen) and/or Su-27M, MiG-29M and MiG-31M/BM for USSR

J-10B/C and J-16 for China

F-15I or any more advanced F-15 for israel

Gripen E for Sweden

And we all avoid getting into the mess that is 5th gen +?

I hope not but it’s unfortunately likely true… can already see this forum explode with F-22 vs Su57 threads lol

Specifies serial number and everything, it was 1991

Hopefully YF-22 and/or 23 to poke into 5th gen without going all in first

I think they wanted to get the door sparrows working but it’s still something that should have been priority or just added at the same time as is and worry about the sparrows later.

To be fair, F-2 is supposed to be a replacement to the F-1 which is primarily a bomber first and fighter second. F-2 was built under the same mindset considering it only had sparrows and only later retrofitted to use AAM-4s (can’t even use AIM-120s).

While that would be better for gameplay, I think it’s hard for Gaijin to avoid the money that will flood in with the F-22 and SU-57. F-22 being leaked as being worked on doesn’t help either. At the very least the increasing need for weapon payload being more important will keep planes relevant. For example, AAM-5 on an F-2 will keep it relevant even against F-22s.

Unfortunately, aam-5 really won’t help the F-2 against F-22 played right

I missed this. Where was this?

Little while ago in update leaks, pretty sure it was F-111F update

F-22 won’t get to play right because the maps are small.

They’ll get pulled into dogfights and IR slugfests where their advantage is moot. They’ll get to do fun acrobatic maneuvers in 1 vs 1 but I’m sure with the next gen of IR missiles that will be there at some point, it will remove any advantage of doing all that.

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They can keep some distance, fire 120C off, and then use their 2 9X with helmet less HOBS to similar effect as an HMD fighter. In sim it’ll be a monster though

Yeah you are right, dunno where I heard that it entered in service later than than 1991 thought

Yeah, they would get a lot of money for it, can already see a 150€ F-15/Su-27 premium in the same update to grind them lol.

Still you seem to agree here that it would be better for the game to not cross that line, even thought we all know it will be crossed

Sure, but with multipathing and current ARH gameplay, it’s not hard to close in the gap and once that is done it’s going to come down to who has more IR missiles and can get the shot off first.

Yea I’m just being practical. Air had to leapfrog because many nations invested in Gen 4.5s as they couldn’t spend as much money as the US and RU with many Gen 4s and their variants. Now that we’re finally here, top tier can have some kind of parity again and it’s not bad idea to slow down here.

Although on the other hand the few Gen 5s that do exist won’t tip the game in any direction considering they all rely on things that the game freely gives (situational awareness with markers in air RB).

J-16 is an AESA F-15E competitor btw.
J-11B is likely to be considered instead.

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Thankfully this is War Thunder so that’ll never happen

What do you mean it’s not meant for kamikazeing things? /j