well considering its an early 90’s radar, 80’s engines, and early 2000’s HMD, with 70’s and early 90’s missiles, i can see why they would have underestimated how well it would do in the meta
80’s engines? As far as I know we are talking late 90s for first 229 airframes entering service (and they were with israel, USAF adopted them in 2010 if memory serves me well). If we go by “first testings” then sure, but then we can also call for example the Rd-33 an early 70s engine then.
The what now ?
No, F-15I is from like 1997 and it was proven F-15E had 229 years before that but I can’t recall the exact date
Late 90s
Those are called prototypes/test aircraft
India are considering procuring the Typhoon again.
With German cooperation
India likely concerned in depending on France to meet Navy and Airforce needs
considering the F15E never entered service until 1989, the engines are defiantly 1990s not 1980s unless your trying to say they give the prototypes the 229 engines then decided to just downgrade the engine, just to bring it back in a couple of years
Neither was Italy, Britain, France with their Gripen C and Mirage, but they got additions all the same.
If they couldn’t manage to add more stuff i think they chose the right planes to add.
Was the Su-33 really needed? Even some of the Thai copy paste. What Japan really needed was mid and high tiers. Top tier is already covered by F-2. The F-16A and Gripen C, I think, were unnecessary additions.
I have no qualms about the game accelerating in top tier. In fact, I’d say we aren’t going fast enough.
Totally disagree lol. You can’t mention AESA and not have F-2 with it. It’s just that iconic to the point that even the community when asked of either will bring up the other (even when the F-15C technically has the crown on AESA).
thats a terrible idea, germany never operated the F/A-18 so giving them the EFT a plane they do still to this day operate is far better then one they didn’t
No, USAF F-15E in service with 229 before Israeli I, early 90’s instead of 80’s maybe but not late 90’s
Swiss F/A-18 would also be limited in it’s A2G capability. Typhoon made sense for Germany
yeah I dont get the complaint honestly, I would prefer if we had the gripen removed from the UK since its so ahistorical it puts some of the paper planes to shame
Nah I was talking about the 229 itself being around in the 80’s
British Gripen C with R-darters is FAR worse in air RB than the F-15JM which was the best aircraft before the F-15E was added.
Also if you had a multi country plane like the EFT you have to add it to all countries who have it at the same time (plus it doesn’t require any extra work, just ctrl C ctrl V).
Already explained myself on the Rafale.
Su-33 was not needed but you can’t compare the effort to implement a plane that is basically a variation of something we already have compared to an entirely new vehicle.
Thai as you said is copy paste, no need to do any developing. Was it better to just not get it? For me yes since it just slows down my grind since I was looking to just have 4 planes between rank 6 and 7, dunno what most would prefer thought. But again did not require any work
Japan did need but did not desperately need the F2, out of all countries that didn’t get a new top tier plane in the last 2 updates it’s the most competitive and by quite a decent margin.
Sure let’s just get NGAD, GCAP and MiG-41 by the end of next year then… we are just skipping vehicles that will now take forever to get usable
(An F-18 today would already not be really competitive, we would have to wait until 15.0 since it would be 13.7 before it stops getting sucked in toptier).
Plus with modern stuff FM and Radar become full fantasy (typhoon, gripen and rafale already have barely any useful sources to wortn with).
I’m pretty sure the community outrage, if we did not get it, for the rafale would have been much bigger than it is now for the f2, but whatever
Just for curiosity’s sake I put the recent updates in a visual format, make what you will of this.
Storm Warning
I love the Gripen and while Britain doesnt need it I would like to see a Gripen E with A Darters and R Darter 4
Any proof of it? Certainly not late 80s because the absolute first F-15E deliveries happened in 1988, according to Wikipedia only the latest produced blocks of F-15Es received 229s, which means late 90s
Oh god not this again
I’m starting to get tired of CAS being such a driving force (often surpassing air rb consideration) for top tier aircraft version choosing. Already the fact we are getting later EFT variants rather than the earliest ones because of CAS is stupid (they literally went straight to fgr4 in uk case) Does germany really not have any decent tornado people could use in Grb?
After F-15E yes, before F-15E it would have just been a busted plane that only 3 countries have.
And before anyone says about me being a german hater or something Germany is literally my most played tree.
Finish the story though right? ;)
And i dont mean now or even when Sweden get there one.