I mean as long as it comes after the EFT sure and hopefully foldered so people that are playing the tree for the thing its named after get to you know play it for British planes not soviet ones
Get that abomination out of my sight
Oh yeah definitely, you really can’t afford to nose down for more than 1-2 seconds at high alt or your wings snap off. Though sometimes it just retains control with both wings missing and manages to survive till the end of the match anyway.
What in the good lords name is this abomination
Like a ‘Phoon and a Shar made a mutant together
Sure, they could make another subtree for Indian vehicles which are not necessary to get to UK top tier. In fact Su30MKI wouldnt really fit anywhere in the tech tree right now. What can i say, its upto gaijin to implement it
Why is it pregnant now :sob:
Can you like burn it
well thats exactly what it is, one of the projects to replace the Shar FRS.1
got as far as a paper project could without actually being real, but was canned as it came down to this or the Typhoon
Possibly no HMS
French Air and Space Force & French Navy not equipped domestic french helmet mounted sight Thales SCORPION until Rafale F.4.1 ~ F5 standard
You really aren’t joking. Landed multiple times with both my wings missing (from overspeed) lmao.
It flies on almost unbothered.
honestly I would prefer if sub trees were optional and not required to get to parts of the trees (SA for the Scimitar and Fox)
you want an even better one?
heres the project that came before it
True. That would be good yeah. I get to use my Indian stuff and you get to ignore it until you realise its actually fun. Win Win
I mean there is a way for that:
poll [Nation Folders] Subtrees are a good way to help existing nations in their efficiency and vehicle variety, while introducing new and exciting nations to the game. They have been a part of War Thunder since the release of update “Ixwa Strike” in March 2021. Yet, they have also brought with them various controversies. From gameplay debates criticizing the addition of other nations vehicles “getting in the way” of researching the main nations vehicles, to more political discussions about wh…
Many of the complaints regarding sub-trees would go away if this happened.
if I wanted to have fun playing soviet jets I would just go play russia since im almost at jets anyway so eh ill pass
What in the ace combat lookin goofy ahh is that
the true real X wing
I know I am preaching to the choir here but the Russian jets the Indian Air Force uses are very different from the base Russian ones. Quite a lot of variety in terms of weaponry. Maybe when they add those you could try them out :D
On an unrelated note, praying for J-15/J-11B December.