Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

For god shake they said in 5 official souses it’s coming

I thought this is OT


lol you all drink tea and because of you many of us do too.

I’m not offended because I do : D

Though I do like a bit of hot chocolate now and again.
Water is just eeeewwwwww

new fighter for UK, and new Leopard 2s were confirmed as well

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i prefer tea over coffe as well, green tea variants doesnt upset my stomache as much when it is emtpy somehow


So…I think we’ll see F-15s, Su-27s, AMRAAMs, and R-77s.

nah those are the most unlikely

It’s an engine limitation
Could be remedied with a new engine but we don’t know of such plans yet.

Kinda like how Overwatch 2 required a new engine to make 5v5 instead of 6v6 possible.

Smin said as well, that not all nations will get bvraam missles at once as well

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And the what smin said in a discord cast doubt that AMRAAMs are coming

As usual, was to beautiful to be real to imagine that Gaijin go full fairness toward everybody.

As usual only some (usually the same) gonna lead the meta while other stay behind, even if for once they can follow or even be better sometimes.

Yes,Tea is much better than coffee. It doesn’t cause health issues unlike coffee

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it propably will benefit the minor nations better as i understood it less capable platforms will get it first like f4f ice, the chinese pls 12 on the more non agile planes as well. Just not sure if france has options, but as i understood it, US and USSR might not get carriers because they got the most agile fighters with best SARH missles in the game

Oh, did he? Theyve changed their mind on how ARH is getting added since the J8F devblog?

That is great news for the minor nations

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Now that is great news. FA2 with 120Bs Vs F16C with 7Ms is a fair fight. In my opinion

if they realy do it like that, for all we know it might be different, but this is the current knowledge lvl we goit

It’s hope at least. Something Britian did not have before

Your forgetting the US will probably get something as well if no AMRAAMs