Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Im not sure it will get anything. Im expecting Gripen to be added for Sweden.


Let’s hope gaijin would model it properly

Its not US or USSR. So fingers crossed it can actually fly

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JA37D Viggen it might be modern 3rd gen aircraft with medium-range ARH BVRAAM lowest BR

Let me guess JAS 39 Gripen C fitted PS-05/A mk.3 radar and no IRIS-T (Rb.98) from Swedish could be 12.3 minimum but Gripen C from Hungarian could at 12.7 minimum because got something better

I am still waiting for the base CV-9035 to go with my already spicy 10.0 lineup but one with fire and forget missiles is also welcome.

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The 9M330 as visible in the CDK:

Doesn’t have a " deployed " model at present.

9M331 Tor-M1 for comparison



And external view of Baku 's VLS cells

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I swear to god that someone is gonna leak classified documents, also gaijin pls add belgium to france

Bud I think you’re in the wrong thread. The one you want is this way:

(This is meant to be the Rumour Roundup thread (When everyone behaves), not the wishlist thread)


99% of this thread is wish listing for missiles. Why is it a problem if someone wish lists for a tank?


It 's a problem when people wishlist for missiles too.

Unlike my missiles, which are a completely thread-compliant topic )))

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btw m8 how many Dutch thing do we have in the files and game ?

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In the files we have their flag for statcard purposes, and the H-75A7. There also used to be a B-25J-30 of theirs.

Ingame, Finland has two variants of the Fokker D.XXI fighter and the Leopard 2A6NL tank.


Ah so quiet a lot then

Not really, it 's just a few more vehicles than the " zero " we have evidence relating to for other nations that have other kinds of proof to expect.

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Well for me I’m not going down without a fight.

But yea imagine flagging a comment inappropriate by saying russia and the US don’t need any more jets atm.,

But yea since we don’t have a down vote people are just using the flagging system.

We need a down reaction !

Whoever’s doing it seems to be someone that doesn’t post much.
Either way, it doesn’t matter.

I mean… Half the posts are drama and not even on topic… So…lol Anyways, first dev blog next week maybe? Or week after?

Assuming end of Oct update. I’d guess Monday for 2 weeks or so of devblogs

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why are we still having mixed matches at top tier air if there more than enough players on both sides to make it a normal match we need to see us vs ussr to acutely know how goof the planes are

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