Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

There is a suggestion thread atm on that subject. Presumably with enough interest it might be passed to devs

Seen that already, but there were no official replies. That’s why I’m reaching out.

How do you know?

whatever he says gaijin does, obviously

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Of course. How could I forget?

and you left out all of east europe

that is because there are no eastern european flags


There’s no news to report currently!


I think we’ll see late 3rd gens with fox-3 and more 4th gens but only with fox-1 at least for now.

I’m thinking about jets like fox-3 capable Harriers, Phantoms etc. and fox-3/1 capable jets like XF-2/F-2, F-15, Su-27 and so on.

Alright, thank you.

unless you want them to move to 12.X, no

and neither does gaijin

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Except that the Eurofighters were also used by 3 nations, so by your own logic no one would get the Eurofighter.

Also they are obviously going to add new nations some day, even if they will (unfortunately) likely add a lot of C&P for said new nations.


I’m fine with C&P but as long it got a bit of 50 50.

Bit I really hope its not another half nation


I don’t know where you got Iran from, unless you mean Iraq, which is fair, and you are wrong about Yugoslavia. The vast, and I truly mean VAST, majority of the vehicles would be either heavily modified, like the SO-122, or entirely indigenous, like the J-22 Orao.


What? You mean Gaijin doesn’t want to move AV-8B+, JA37D and not-yet-in-the game Sea Harrier FA.2 and F-4F ICE to 12.3? Of course they do and they will move them when the time comes. AIM-120 addition for these jets is only a matter of time.

I don’t mind too much copy and paste, but I’d rather have a half nation like Israel than having to grind the entire US, UK or Russian tree again, because they wanted to add a rank with a whole 1-2 unique vehicles.

They would have to give me a 100-200% RP bonus to do that shit, not some cute 35% bonus.


A true mystery lmao. Surely that petty person would not have deleted their own posts. Hmmmmm…

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Less successful rebranding story than Meta

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So when should dev season start any ideas, october or in about a week or so?

Next week is a good chance as there will be a butt load going off but after that week it’s more or less it’s a defiant.