Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Ah, uh… let me find out

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If in doubt, go to the Typhoon thread :P

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Keep in mind full downtiers though

Isn’t MTOW the “Maximum Take Off Weight”?

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Yeah, so thats 12.0s like the F-16 and Mig-29. (if it was too strong, then 13.3. so 12.3s it would see) I still dont think they have too much to worry about from something like 2x ASRAAM (on something with no radar, so no long range fire either, and likely no off-boresight either) and its Britain. When was the last time you actually saw a downtier.

Unless they deny ASRAAM ever coming to the game. Then something is always going to “struggle” in downtier vs ASRAAM and I dont really fancy Tornado Gr4 at Br16 vs F-22s just because something might suffer in downtier.

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So it seems the Typhoon is mostly 1 seater aircraft, how many two seaters are being used as non-trainers?

I have absolutely no idea the answer to that question, but probably not many, if any

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It is kind of sad to see that they keep adding new Gen CAS and fighters without adding better SPAA/SAM to counter those new threats, even the best SPAA cannot counter them



So, you have no issues with this for next update then :P

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It is my problem, but I don’t want to grind out the entire tech tree just to play Ground RB. I myself are not a big fan of Aviation.

Yeah, thats fair. I dont really like ground myself, but had to do the opposite. Grind out ground, just so that I can play Helis in something better than Heli EC. (though even then, the little bit of time spent in a tank really sucks)

PTSD on aviation, I am an Old Guard, started to play this game in 2013 till 14 when my PC broken down. I haven’t touched this game till 2019, when I log back, everything was gone.

Oh damn, yeah that sucks. Yeah i’ve been playing since before ground was a thing. But I like my planes and ships far more than I like the tanks. They never got balance right in ground. Probably doesnt help that I play the most gimped nation in the game when it comes to ground either

It really sucks

GRB is more like ARB with player-controlled ground units than a mode for tanks.

“Just spawn SPAA” is not an answer when I’m fighting late Gen 2s and early Gen 3s with a SPAA from WW2.

The funny thing is I signed up for the Planes because I was playing WoT at the time this was 2017 but I never got into the game until 2021 when I became a ground main.
The first update I could remember added SA.

Aviation was really fun back then, I meant when the game first released, without the amount of information you have/need to process right now

The issue with higher BRs of air, is that ARB and even ASB, simply havent evolved to handle the changing aircraft.

We really need to see from about BR9 upwards an entirely differernt ARB gamemode to that which you see in WW2 props. Even in SB, with much larger maps and overall slower gameplay. The gamemode is clearly not designed for the current set of high tier jets and certainly not those coming soon.

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after SU25T

The same thing can be said about the ground(al be it at a lower BR the switch-over should be). As that mode is also built around WW2 and hasn’t changed with the tanks.

We just need a game mode overall update as the game is right now is modern stuff but you play it like it was built for WW2. (Note they are not)

Yep, and you can really feel that in tanks like the Chally, meant for longer range fire.

But yeah, in the long run I’d hope for 3 or 4 “game brackets” where the gamemodes changed to best suit the vehicles found within that bracket.

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