Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Im guessing Tuesday next week for them to start in earnest, but maybe a baby one this Friday or Saturday just to wet the appetitie

Damn didn’t know that !


Danke schön.

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More-or-less yes, that’s about how it’ll go. The F-16 is a light fighter for a reason. Its like you won’t be able to fly the F-16, but you’ll have a hard time taking on the Eagle.

i mean it’s the more forgoten one out of the 2 , dont blame yourself for that

The Eagle beats the F16 in the one circle all day every day, but obviously the F16 wins in the 2 circle

Wasn’t there a Swedish one ?


I know Sweden was going to test the F16 or did but idk about the F18

I’m pretty sure the eagle wins from 30km away when it launched a mach 1.8 aim120 from 50km.

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No I thought I seen one with Swedish marking

Honestly I dont remeber but I dont think so you might be thinking of the Swede F16

I can remember a photo if a “Swedish” F/A-18 viewing it from the port wing

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I think the Su-24 is already gonna disappoint a lot of people when they realize it dosnt really make a larger jump from the Mig-27K

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That’s two conflicting points of information? It sounds like if the F-16 dodges the first attack, the F-15 will lose always.

If we bring the XF-2 into it, which is better than the F-16C, then that muddies the water further.

Well if we compare the F-2 to F-15J, F-15J vastly outperforms the F-2 not to mentionF-2 will be worse in performance then even F-16Cs too. F-2 will be a superior low speed dogfighter but will struggle trying to catch a F-15J. F-15J can use its superior performance to distance and be able to turn at its best speeds quicker.

Not conflicting at all. The Eagle wins in a one circle fight, which means both planes turning in the same direction. The F-16 wins in a 2 circle, which means both aircraft turning in opposite directions.
Really even in the two circle its still an uphill battle for the F-16 since the Eagle can simply overpower the F-16 and force a one circle.
And if it can’t, it can simple leave the fight and come back when it feels more comfortable. The only real advantage the F-2 would have is the superior radar.

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Can someone find that Swedish F/A-18 please.

Details : grainy, with hills and badly ai color

There is only so long they can delay an aircraft like the F2 because of AESA. If they want to wait till all nations are equal, then you are going to have to have an update with F-2, F-18, Typhoon FGR4 and Su-57, etc etc all in the same update. WHich would just be mad. They’ll have to find some other way of balancing airframes soon

In WT though low speed performance is very important, especially in 1 vs 1 as that’s what would end up happening when people try to get behind each other.

Sure the F-15 can run away but that’s what they should be doing instead of trying to dogfight.

Are there any hard numbers like this? Because if the F-16 has a higher turn rate, it just seems like only a matter of time before the F-16 gets behind the F-15 turning in the same direction. The only difference is I think the F-15 can burn more energy to get nose on target but if they whiff that opportunity they’re only option is to run away as the F-16 will just keep turning and get behind it.

Honestly I think people overrate AESA and how it’ll work in the game. Even if you can’t notch it and can track multiple targets, unless the S/ARH missiles are AESA seekers themselves, they’d get notched themselves wouldn’t they?