Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah, that I think is the more reaslistic addition for what the US is getting this December and not F-18 or F-15.

I wouldn’t be opposed to America getting the F-15A MSIP with only AIM-9L/Ms and AIM-7Ms, with Israel getting the F-15A Baz, however getting an F/A-18 or F-15C would be too much too soon.

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F-18 is a solid option for Britian, but highly unlikely Britian alone would get it (or at least you’d need riot police ready if they tried that)

Im just not really sure US or Israel with their recent 12.3s really need anything again so soon, it would only have been 3 months since they got them. Japan is the only question, but if F-15 comes say March, then Japan can just get it then. Would be nice to have an update where the focus wasnt on US and USSR for a change, and instead on another nation, any other nation.

I’m not saying I want F-15As to come, just that I’m not actively against it, and yes, early to mid next year would be the best time for F-15C/Js to come.

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I’m not saying it’s an F-4 but is it really a dogfighter capable of beating F-16s/Mig-29s/Su-27s/etc, namely turn fighting since that’s important for 1 vs 1s. Sure you can show demo videos where it does cool maneuvers but it’d be nice to have some actual documentation or side-by-side comparisons that way it doesn’t feel like speculation.

The comparison is with an XF-2, translated to WT, I can’t see the F-15 beating the XF-2 in anything but maybe a better radar (harder to notch and faster sweep?).


I’ll take a look, thanks!

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Yes. Not as easily as an F-14 can, but the F-15 is certainly capable of doing that. It would just require a little more skill and attention than the F-2/F-16.

Theres 1 thing the Eagle hates being Slow, and well I guess heres another A4’s (ifykyk)

Well the premise presumes of equal skill when both players know what they’re doing and the strength’s weaknesses of their aircraft. Even then, there’s hard limits to what aircraft can do.

For example, in my AJ, I know if anyone gets on my six, I will out turn them and eventually get behind them in a 1 vs 1 and there is nothing they can do besides maybe run away.

I get the sense that unless this patch contains a LOT of hype jets/tanks theres going to be general pandemonium

If you try that against an F-15 you’re going to die. He should out everything you, more or less.

not just the F-15 , also the F-18 (F-18 FN) on 2 seperate occasion , also to potentialy buy it , never got throught since rafale was sellected instead


So just so I understand correctly, the F-16AJ with superior performance/maneuverability to the F-16C (making it the best turn fighter at top tier) will not be able to out turn an F-15 ever, and as such would be the best dogfighter period?

I’m not saying it’s not true, but that is hard to believe.

So no devblogs this week I hear huh…

Welp time to go back into hibernation ig

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The F16As pull the same as the C and D now though


I’d keep an eye out just in case for tomorrow but it now looks like Friday is our new guess for devblog start date.

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We’ll be very lucky to get one this week as smin said

Where was this?

Earlier today 1 sec

From what I know As have better sustained turn rate compared to Cs. The G loads might be the same but you’re not pulling 9Gs+ when turning into each other at sub 500 km/h.