Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

did ya do it again boys?

Alright then, we expecting a devblog today or later this week?

They need to go back and add the large number of 50s-60s aircraft they just straight up skipped that should have been added a long time ago…


oh hell yes, those are my favorite

and don’t forget about all those weird Prototypes

love those


god damn we actually hit the max on the discussion before a blog even came out lol

also just had a thought how they can easily fix britains lack of a top tier, they can just simply do what they did to 9.7 a few years ago and put a hard cap on it stopping anyone playing from 9.0 to 9.7 getting up brd to 10.0+

They could just do that to 11.7 make it so any plane at 11.0 to 11.7 cant go above 11.7 and boom all of britains un competitive aircraft stand a slightly better chance

Dovbleg today???

probably not, my bet is Wednesday


Oh hey, that would be on my birthday :D


Ill buy you a hotrod

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Eh, my dream birthday present would be an F-5G devblog for WT lmao
Appreciate the thought though

Im guessing Tuesday or Friday


Continuing the discussion from Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1):

Fine, Su-37 and Su-47 when? lol


F35, SU57, NGAD, SU75 when? next patch? smin confirmed!!

I really don’t think we’re ever going to get tech demonstrators. Su-37 and Su-47 would actually be a pretty big waste.

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Pretty sure those were armed/intended to be armed so not really the same class and the various jam extra control surfaces on fighter projects.

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and it doesn’t even get a searchlight :,-(

It had one when it was first added, but then it was removed for some reason

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The F-15 is a safe bet. It was said that ARH would come to most nations, so why not japan ? The F-15 is the perfect aircraft for that. It wouldn’t break the game and could be added to 3 nations. Im guessing the nations that won’t get ARH is because their missiles are too advanced, like France.
December update was confirmed to be a pretty big patch, and the next logical step is F-15 & Su-27.