Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)

Honestly I think we’re fine with the F16C and SMT other nations need to be able to catch up even if it means some getting the F15 before the US

I’ve been lurking here over the past week, but I’ve not seen anything that suggests ARHs (other than our speculation).

On the contrary, Smin stated there was no official timeframe for it, and it has not been confirmed for December.

The best indirect tip we have I think, is the Gripen. Since it can’t use Fox-1, then that could maybe suggest Fox-3, but then again it’s also possible it could be added with only Fox-2s.

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Honestly I cant wait for people to use AMRAAMs and R77s like the Phoneix’s and call them trash

Gaijin’s primary goal is earning money. The F-15 is so iconic to all 3 of the operators in game, I very much doubt they would not add it for all 3 at the same time.

Money is the only grand goal that they have, which is fine because they are a business. I don’t know why Gaijin would shoot themselfs in the foot when it comes to money to “help a minor nation”.

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You mean firing them all off at the start of the match?

Yeah, that will be entertaining. I do it from time to time with F-14B, and the only reason it works is people who don’t pay attention, or bots flying straight line.

I honestly doubt it though they dont seem to mind doing it these days same as with the F5 they added the AV8B to a nation besides the US

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Im telling you wait until about 30km and then launch them guarenteed 1 kill every time

Optimal firing range in WT

The F-5A was far more iconic for Taiwan than for the US.

Meanwhile the F-5E, which is more iconic to the US playerbase than the 5A, was added to the US tree way before the Chinese tree.

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And the AV8B?

Im actually surprised they don’t have it yet

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Thats what im saying, as much as people want the AV8B+ or AV8B+(N) not many got upset over it being added to Italy instead of both

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A statistical anomaly.

F-4E, F-8E, F-5E, F-4J, F-16A, F-16A ADF and F-16C were all added to the US tree at the same time as or before other operators got them.

That is 7 to 1, and those are only the examples I can think of at top tier.

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A statistical anomaly that so happens to be now.

F-16C Block 50 and MiG-29SMT (9-19) access semi-active radar homing BVR temporarily til gajin introduction of medium-range active radar homing BVRAAM instead

Medium-range active radar homing BVR Air-to-Air Missile maneuvrability better AIM-54 Phoenix and Vympel R-33

Thats not the point.

They have significantly less range, bleed energy faster and have much weaker and less burning boosters in comparison, its a NEED for these BVRAAMs to be fired properly

The F-16C was added to the US tree before a 16C was added to the Israeli tree in the same update.

Because they got an equal in the F16D which will end up being better because of the Python 4 and Derby.

Was the derby made for only export ?

Su-47 was not, but I believe Su-37 was.

Im confused unless you got confused since I said F16D instead of Barak