Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ok, so I’ve just read through it’s specs, and goddamn…

Calling this a “trainer” would be selling it short.

I immediately thought of the so-called Japanese “Helicopter Destroyer” that carries F-35, and the German “Frigate” displacing 10500 tonnes xD

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There were also no plans for supersonic aircraft at one point.



And IIRC both naval forces as a whole, and then later just battleships were denied at some point.


A month before the MiG-29SMT was revealed, R-73s were said to not be planned to be put on MiG-29s due to the superior capabilities of the platform, also.

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Tornado with ASRAAM could be something

None; it was an unarmed demonstrator
And if we get those F-15 ACTIVE when

Sea harrier FA2 or F-18 would definetly be at least managable at 12.3. We wont be truly competitive until the Typhoon

Yep, still no chance of them. DA2 would be:

Engines from the Tornado F3
A radar a little more powerful than the one found in the FA2
Loadout would probably be 6x Aim-9, 4x Aim-120
Limited flight performance due to missing features of the full production
No A2G

Still got a hard denied

Also gib thrust vectoring F-16


Not to mention SAAF was denied softly until recently again I think right?

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Well… its an unarmed demostrator of the BAE ACA, which is currently being researched by a few to see what weapons it could have. Maybe about the same as the Gripen C by all accounts

They are the same tank btw, just different Nicknames (at least im fairly certain that is the case)

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Turns out that is no longer

From the little bit I read OES is just TES in a different configuration

Its what happens when a 2E gets the same upgrades that makes the TES, but just more modern versions of the gear (I think).

So better optics, thermals, engine, etc.

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Smin meant that for the current MiG-29s at the time.

we’re gonna hit 10k before the devblogs even start

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He said they weren’t planned because of the superior flight characteristics compared to the Su-25, never stating specifically about only the at the time in game MiG-29s, and that doesn’t change the fact that the MiG-29SMT is still a MiG-29, completely undermining the argument that was given.


What happens when we cross the 10K mark?


Maybe it will summon Smin to deliver a sick roast to us hopium fueled troglodytes (we kinda deserve it)

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