Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 2)


yes, Im on my way to work

have you not gone to sleep yet?

Brother youre in Texas

What do you mean morning? Aren’t you in Texas? We’re in the same time zone, how can it be morning already?

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It’s 10 p.m. in Texas, I’m here at 12 a.m. Beijing time, should you go to bed?

shouldn’t it be 12:00 pm in Beijing?

He is acting sussy imo

Man, you guys really speedrunning this tread, it’s just been a few days and boom 2k posts ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ

It was painful reading all those posts

Saw some YT vid on a discord leak talking about a premium Tornado IDS.
Prob not going to happen but just in case that it does, any Tornado connoisseurs know if it could possibly have better A2A load outs than 2x AIM-9L?

Part 4, here we come.

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  • Tornado Gr1, I dont think so. (I know Aim-9M was not compatible due to modified rails)
  • Tornado IDS (Italy) Im not sure (I dont know much about Italy’s usage of the Tornado)
  • Tornado ASSTA I think might have had Aim-9L/i at some point (@x_Shini I think might be able to answer about Germany’s Tornados)

Later Tornados like the ASSTA3 and Gr4 were equipped with Gen 5 IRs like IRIS-T and ASRAAM. But they wont be 11.3

So for the most part, Im not sure, maybe, just maybe Aim-9L/i, most likely for Germany. But in my opinion the Tornado’s biggest issue is the lack of defensive systems, not offensive. Currently all 4 are misisng 1200 chaff count (and if you run mixed CMs, 28 flares, should have 56 flares and 1200 chaff when running 2x BOZ) on top of missing game mechanics like ECM. Additional A2G loadouts like CBUs would help in their primary role of ground attack.

Tornado Gr1 is also Missing BOL rails for an additional 320 mixed CMs

As for the Premium

If it’s a Saudi Tornado, then I think it will be Britain as I think it was Britain that sold them the Tornados.

If its not, then I’d guess Italy as they lack a 11.0/11.3 Premium currently

(I kinda hope its all 3 nation though, much like we’ve seen premium Phantoms end up on most if not all nations eventually)

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I just want to add on the AMRAAM video: notice how the premium Apache is outlined in gold when the cursor moves near it (0:08 second mark). As far as I know this is an actual menu, rather than a user made map. Looks very convincing.


The amount of things you all know about planes is terrifying. I feel like a child lost in the middle if engineering room.


For Italy they can actually make vice versa a downgraded “early” version with worse AAMs (AIM-9B) and only unguided bombs/rockets, like a jet bomber for a lower br.



I’d kill for that. A tornado at the same BR as the F-111 would be really fun. (In SB, I basically never use the guided weapons anyway)

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the tornado Gr1 was also outfitted with AIM-9Li as well

I wasnt sure if they were or not. I know Tornado F3 had them for a time, so they were in the the RAF arsenal at least. Going by the Tornado thread they arent listed, but that is not flawless.

I’ve asked over in the Tornado, they’ll know for certain / have any details on when

yeah I remember reading about them in the tornado thread awhile ago

That thread is where convos tend to happen for German and italian Tornados as well. So its possible it was for another IDS, not the Gr1.

Italian upgraded IDS (A-200C) carry Aim-9L/I as well. Actually Italian AV-8B+ should also have this variant instead of Aim-9M.
There is a suggestion for A-200C btw:

PS Italy also used AIM-9L/I-1 (saw it in F-104S ASA-M for example), don’t know the difference though.