Id guess Italy as they dont have an 11.3 premium currently. though I hope it’s all 3
Interesting, though I seriosuly doubt F2. Though would be an interesting 10.3 Premium.
I do kinda hope Britian gets a premium Tornado, though I really really hope that will conicide with some of the missing features
and please no Indian aircraft
No it says the turret can achieve 40°/s of turret rotation rate (right above your first red line “vitesse maximale gisement : 40° à la seconde”.
What you highlighted in red refers to the maximum elevation rate, which is 30°/s.
In-game both are wrong :
- Turret rotation rate is 30°/s instead of 40°/s ;
- Elevation rate is 36°/s instead of 30°/s.
A bug report was made and acknowledged about this : Community Bug Reporting System
Well, let me put it this way.
If you compare Ozelot or Strela to King Tiger, why should they be several BRs higher than it? They can’t even scratch it’s paint!
It’s about which capabilities that are modeled in game, and which you choose to measure. If the Charles F. Adams class is added with RIM-24 “Tartar”, then it will blow any prop plane within 16km straight out of the sky.
No BB in WW2 configuration can match that capability.
It also has extensive radar suite and other capabilities that aren’t currently valued in gameplay terms, such as ASROC launchers for anti-submarine warfare.
So a vessel’s capability isn’t just measured in lead down range, or displacement. At least it shouldn’t, IMO.
The F.2A would make much more sense, since it’d have CMs.
Maybe, but I dont think the F2s ever had a radar.
F.2A, not F.2. It’s basically just an F.3 with worse engines.
and less Aim-9.
though i’d still guess Premium IDS not ADV. We already have the Phantom F4J(UK) for premium A2A, something for ground attack would be nice, to match the Su-39. Either a premium Tornado IDS or Jaguar would be good
Though im still suspect it will be for Italy as they lack an 11.3 Premium currently
Im pretty sure you have no idea how to read honestly
It had the famous “Blue Circle” radar or what it really was, concrete
Couldn’t post the video here since the file was too big, but I came across a rather interesting leak on a WT discord server about 30-40 minutes ago
Screenshot from said video, showing wingtip AMRAAMs on the F-16C (Will remove if necessary)
Edit: not sure if I can link to possibly the full video, so I will say this: looking at the video, this was done waaaaay too well to be a fake. Shading looks right/moves properly when the camera does, the modelling and texturing for it looks perfect for WT, and finally: you can’t add user-made assets or models (such as weapons) into the hangar, even if it’s a USER-made hangar. As a matter of fact, I don’t even think you can add in CDK weapons.
There are two options for what this could be:
- Old footage of AMRAAM testing on internal servers (stated in a leak at least 2-3 patches ago)
- Possibly newer footage from an internal test server
Second edit: the usage of the F-16C in the video implies that this video was possibly taken 2 patches ago, seeing as the F-16C likely wasn’t available for use (or even finished) until Sons of Atilla first came out.
Someone posted it on the reddit, also. It being zoomed in slightly is suspicious for me.
Could be from testing rather then implementation
the model and textures are way off the warthunder style
PostFX and Graphics settings perhaps
Bro what is the heli in the background
" unarmoured/poorly armoured ", but not moreso than the DDG/CG 's themselves. In many cases the older ships are actually better protected against this kind of armament.
" Problem ", but is it ? Having AShM/SAM armaments onboard does extend the MM range a ship of specific size can remain relevant at, which is useful in lineups alongside larger, more conventionally-armed ships. But they are still limited by their hulls compared to the BR ranges those conventional ships can support.
Against aircraft it 's largely a non-start, the missiles allow a tradeoff to attack accurately at long ranges in place of reactivity to extreme close-in targets - like one might be presented w/ around a terrain feature. That trade still doesn’t overcome the missile-ship 's vulnerability against the main foe in NF, other surface ships, and their ability to influence the match by interacting w/ the other team 's ships or the objectives.
An Apache.
The Apache?