Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Because only 3 topics are active lol


I just dont like how all of the 3 active threads have turned into argue-fests


Yeah but I mostly read this topic. And some random stuff like (please add X vehicle or X feature to the game)

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I mean arguments are not bad as long as they stay civilized. For example I want submarines ingame really badly doesn’t mean I have to hate people who have a different opinion. Or people that want the Yugoslav tech tree.

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just like the PSO can mount the extra beak armor, we just are out of luck because gajin takes the standard look most of the time

The Hawk 200 is not the same as the 208 or other used by other countries tho, the others wouldn’t have access to BVR since they don’t use it. The prototype carried the Skyflash, Active Skyflash and ASRAAM, we’re looking at more proofs on AMRAAM than only it being shown together at an airshow.

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I dunno, I just don’t see Hawk 200 being the aircraft they add. This is a KF41 situation where the only tie to this airframe is really the fact they’re operated by CW nations and they’re a british manufacturers design.

It’s still a subsonic w/ no AB
Wouldn’t compare to the range of MiG-29 or F-16 owing to its slow speed, low altitude

It would also be a completely out of left field entry by Oman, Malaysia or Indonesia - none of which have any prescident in the TT, as opposed to Canada and Australia who do

You could do it as a premium or event as ZH200 (The actual british operated BAe Hawk 200) but that’s an individual airframe, not a collection of them.

CF-18 is far less of a stretch, has the perk of using assets already found in game, has the same capability or worse of F-16 and MiG-29, and would bring britian up to the 12.3 standard

Hawk 200 could happen, but…I doubt it

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Its almost certainly the FA2

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are those mounts even for a .50 cal? because most of the few times that they are used they have an aa52

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Britian desperately needs afterburning, supersonic BVM multiroles so they can compete with all the other Gen4+ that do the same

We’ve got plenty of subsonics with good A2A with the harriers. We need something actually capable though for CAP not just CAS

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ZH200, ZG200, ZJ201. They all could be said as British, the Hawk 200 can go to the TT, the 208, 209, 203 can be event or something. Simple as that.


I mean all they need to do is to copy a Phantom and put 9L on them and I think most people would alright with defo still not happy but it would still be better than nothing


I’m not saying it is what is going to be the Meta for Britain, I’m saying that it is better than the FA.2 and it is possible to go to the TT.

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At least ill be used to flying with it

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A 7.62 is just fine for a roof mounted MG.

dont know if a .50 was ever mounted or not. but it whould be welcome. i just want some kind of roof MG.

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Oh the Hawk is supersonic I thought it was sub that would be the perfect addition tbh

Leclercs are still able to mount them. Google isn’t exactly a good depiction of what’s deployed.

A machine gun in comparison to extra armor isn’t exactly an equivalent problem. It’ll be a quality of life that doesn’t drastically effect performance.


Vickers tank line exists yk and we just got another one but wheeled. Beauford Mk.VIII and Beaufighter Mk.21 are also worth to note. There’s not a single limitation for Hawk 200 to not be added.


I’m fairly sure the Blue Vixen would out perform the BAe hawk 200’s radar set, no? BV is insane.

they should be able to use 2 of them as both commander and gunner have the same identical mount