Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

again, gajin showed multiple times they go with the state they are seen the most

It isn’t, it is small, fast and snappy, but not supersonic

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It is better since the APG-66H on the Hawk is already an smaller, more limited, version of the one on the F-16. But you have to balance if it’s enough to consider it a better aircraft.

That’s still awful and doesn’t understand French doctrine.

The machine is added when the tank is deployed. It isn’t kept on at all times.

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Personally, if I had to choose one or the other, i’d go with Harrier FA.2 - It’s iconic, looks great, has a good radar and decent missiles to boot, retains the VTOL trick of the other harriers and would feel pretty “At home” with the rest of the TT

Hawk would be a welcome addition (lets be honest, anything is, for Britian) - but a Hawk 200 would be pretty out of nowhere.

Either way, it’d be cool to have something useful, but i’m hoping we see a capability match -
Supersonic, Multirole, dogfight capable, BVR, possibly even HMD, with a good radar set and good amount of weapon stations.

CF-18 would be the most reasonable addition but knowing Gaijin - Tornado SP or Harrier FA.2 lol


And those quality of life updates are sometimes my favourite. Like giving aircraft that have been in the game for a long time new weapons or skins for example.

Probably right but is this one not in RAF colours? I know we don’t operate them but then again someone had to test them and god i’d prefer it to a harrier.
File:British Aerospace Hawk 200.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

Yup obvious but i dread to even think of them. Legacy harrier airframe or Tornado airframe. Not sure which is the lesser of the evils.

Yup this would be the absolute best option or an Aus air force one. Bonus with CF-18 is that Canada upgraded them too so afaik they should eventually be able to receive AMRAAM if Gaijin thinks that the T1 Typhoon would be too powerful compared to an F-18C.

Still useful, but probably the least likely although it would probably use the same premise as the CF-18.

I bought the British Phantom in the sale in preparation for the next aircraft but unless its something worthwhile, i’m not playing that awful thing, I’m grinding France at the moment in preparation for M4K.


The f4j(uk)?

I would love to see it get in the game, but I am not sure if they would actually add the Mirage 4000

No the FGR phantom, i couldn’t justify more than 1.3 million SL on that thing. I won’t buy UK TT premiums because I already have everything ‘good’. Although i wish i’d talismanned the Swift F.7.

Fits the criteria and only would have MICA’s as well as worse flight performance than the Rafale. IMO its the perfect stop gap between a Rafale and the M2K. Very much on F-15A/F-18A/C level.

Quick look also shows it can carry magic 2. Perhaps a Magic 2 (Late) with the proper IRCCM and no MICA’s might be a good rival for an F-18 with only AIM-120A’s and 9L’s/M’s

Sea Harrier wouldn’t be too bad I don’t think - the 9.3 BR airframe would be carried HARD by Blue Vixen and AMRAAM

Tornado SP would just be a slap in the face. No airframe upgrades. No new radar. Nothing, just F.3 but now it has ARH missiles. Barely even longer range too, if they only go w/ A/B AMRAAMs.

Those two would be insanely weak additions and would be obviously lacking in every way compared to the favorite children of Gaijin - USSR and USA.
CF-18 or F/A-18A/B from RAAF kinda is Britians only good option here. Everything else doesn’t come close to F-16C or SMTs capability. SMT and 16C can turn on a dime compared to anything British, can outgun, outrange, outrun and outclimb them.

The solution is the Hornet. It uses the AIM-7 Sparrow, AIM-9 Sidwinder, has an internal gun, is the same speed (practically) as an F-16, handles a little worse so USA can keep its ego of air dominance, has more weapon stations though, is drastically heavier and is navalised.
Its radar from what I gather is pretty comparable to F-16Cs, so it meets current game requirements for balance. It doesn’t exceed any capabilities or create new ones. It’s a perfect like-for-like for the UK.

But…we all know we’re getting Tornado SP…

Yeah, I get ya and honestly, the french tree needs something new to be added in the meantime, but I’ve got this gut feeling that since it has been passed for consideration on the old forums before it has the potential to enter development hell

I still hope it gets added, but looking through the suggestions of the old forums leaves me with very little confidence for “considered” planes

They could also completely lose the plot and give us
Harrier GR.9A
Jaguar GR.3A

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100% Gaijin move

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No way thats top tier

Honestly lmao
I can’t wait to see the next update and Gaijin gives the UK a new…strike plane :c

It has HMD and ASRAAM, albeit only 2

Watch them add the proposed Jaguar MAX