Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

It would be great in BVR and MVR but it would absolutely suck a** in WVR. Would be extremely cool and rewarding still.

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Well, I’m not too familiar with the life of the Aussie F-18 it does depend on what point in the life the snail takes the CF-18/188 from as it went threw a 2 stage modernization program and a life extension program on top of that.

Japan has barely any imports and their columns are strictly divided by role
Italy may have more imports, but they still are strictly divided according to the system I tried to explain to you

You guys are still at it ?

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Just as a PSA for one of the earlier conversations in this thread. The F-16C had the option of mounting sparrows and a specific radar set was compatible, The Gripen C does not under any circumstances have the ability to employ SARH missiles. The Gripen A can (afaik) C cannot.

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There is no import, so we’ll write it down…

All IR Gripen C (similar to the all IR Netz) then unless AMRAAMs get added

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IR Gripen C would be using IRIS-T, A-Darter or AIM-9X. And with 9L’s (which it was never rated for) or 9M’s it would be like 11.3 level, 11.7 at most. Not top tier as is promised. I’m pretty sure it will get 2 AMRAAM.

Either all nations are getting AMRAAMs (or equivalents) or nobody is.
Also, unless they raise the max BR to 12.7 a BR of 11.3 still competes within the top tier

I don’t see why in the biggest update of the year, AMRAAM’s wouldn’t be an option? Particularly bad ones AIM-120A, R27EA, AAM-4 etc.

Me, you and Gaijin know it’s not possible without adding some serious jets and AIM-120C+ missiles. “BVRAAM for all nations” is a nice marketing slogan but it has very little to do with reality.

Game development takes time and can take lots of turns.
Until we get an official announcement of AMRAAMs I don’t believe they would be adding them already.

The Harriers are 11.7 with AIM-9Ms only yet the gripen with the same missiles is 11.3?

I’ve had a discussion about that with someone else recently, from what I’ve been told AIM-120Cs wouldnt be much of an improvement over earlier models and the MICAs and other equivalents apparently wouldn’t be too far off

However I personally don’t know jack about these missiles and cannot be bothered to have a deeper look into their specs. In the end it’s up to gaijin how they are handling this and I guess our opinions about if and how they should be doing it differ a lot.

The only reason why I am even trying to argue against them being added already is the fact that gaijin would likely end up just haphazardly slapping them on 12.0/12.3 jets when gen 3 jets should under no circumstances have to deal with those

Didn’t even clock that but in fairness harrier has VIF as well as a good T/W.

Gripen can’t even reach 1:1 T/W clean and its also a delta but its supersonic so I can’t realistically say the Gripen might be worse. In that case i’d say 11.7-12.0


I would much rather have the Hawk 200 than the FA.2 tho.


because a lot french leclercs just didnt use them, google leclerc most pictures will show them without a roof mg

Yeah, though it’s pretty unlikely to happen I think. The Hawk 200 isn’t operated by Britian and would be a bit of a out-of-the-blue addition.
S.Harrier FA.2 or Tornado SP are the obvious picks
CF-18 is the most useful pick
Gripen C is the wildcard

I really don’t like this flag system tbh. I preferred the old
System. But yeah overall the new forums are quite nice. But I only visit like 3 different topics.


dosnt mean they coudnt use them or mount them. and the fact that they are the only top tier MBT’s without a roof MG, wich are very helpfull both against helis an light skin veichles and just marking enemies, there really isnt a reason to exclude them. we often see veichles ingame for what they could be, and what they could equip, maybe not for what they used IRL. Yak 141 moment.

so a roof MG isnt so much to ask for the Leclecs.

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