Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

you also used a type IX and a XXI and all of those until the mid 60s

in addition to it being Jet and possibly ARH oriented it’s also hinted to be a pretty large update altogether so idk the implementation of a few Premium subs with the promise to deliver more in the coming year is imo still possible

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anything is possible, but considering how dev process work, it’s highly unlikely

As Gszabi pointed out, they don’t have ready models yet. Also, the content for December update is already decided since at least the October update (and probably even before).

if they decided to introduce subs in the December update, it wouldn’t make sense to test anything with the anniversary event, since the feedback and data from said event would be wasted.

either way I belive there has to be a reason for this being a sub event and not sth like TOG II fighting in Normandy


Good this give more choices alongside those make here.

thr typ XXI will be the Starfighter of the sea, pretty much everyone used those

I just want my surcouf, even if older, ~35meter longer and ~3m larger than Type XXI :p

Big floating baguette

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I want it too


That’s exactly what I am hoping for. This December update we get premium submarine packs similar to the ones we get with the naval beta. And then the coming year we get the tech trees.


Yes the surcouf would be such an awesome and fun vehicle. And together with submarines some more asw aircraft like the Fairey gannet and P2V neptune


Would be nice, i just hope a lot of nations (all that can have subs) got them at the same times, on not only for months or years for only the usual same nations…


So many options!!!


We should stop going to much offtopic, take a look at this wonderfull work for submarine TTs :)


But if you want to see some French subs alongside the Surcouf and other ships… :p
Surcouf looks almost like a sized DD


Thank you so much I will check it out. :)

It’s not about that Smin have said the Typhoon is too advanced to that is a denial that it’s not coming.

This isn’t the place to discuss this now

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You will regret when you are banned from this thread because of off topic discussion

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He is right though in this case. Typhoon was denied so it can fuck off to the off topic thread. (No hard feelings to typhoon fans).


Prototype Typhoons are too advanced as well?

again, this is not the topic - if the plane comes or not