Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Would be so funny if they add the F-18 before the F-15.
Also if that is infact real, then it’s confirmed too be the F/A-18 that can do some multirole stuff thanks too it’s two seater cockpit…
At this point they might as well give Russia and China a J-15/Su-30/33 so they will also both have Multi role fighters too keep up with the west

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thi is f/a 18 d
not F version
or cf18b

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Still a funny though

I swear to God. If the US gets another damn missile bus, and I’m stuck with only 2 heavy pylons I’m gonna ree so hard.

Su-27 NOW!!!


Pretty much how top tier ground players feel after having only gotten mostly C&P or sidegrade vehicles for most of the year.


The Su-27S or something like that with R-73s and R-27Es would be quite nice alongside the Mirage 4000 with Magic IIs and R.530Ds. Their additions would add competitive missile buses to two nations, both of which are quite iconic (that is debatable for the Mirage 4000, however it’s iconic to me).


They don’t even need to give us 27EA’s or R-77’s yet either. I can wait for active radar, just give me more damn pylons ffs. J-11 could come in too and give China something nice for once.

The thing is that, outside of some later variants, the Su-27 can’t use (or didn’t use; I’m not sure which one) R-77s, so even without ARH missiles, the Su-27S would be fine at 12.3. It would be better than anything else, however not by so much that it would be absolutely broken, and with the imminent additions of ARH missiles, it having the ability to carry six R-27Es would balance it out.

Su-27 can use R-77 even at the 27S level. 12.7 is fine until R-77’s or 27EA’s even.

Everywhere I’ve read it has said that no pre-modernisation variants can use R-77s, so could you please provide a source?

Honestly if we’re already heading into the Fox 3 era this December, I’d say that both Russia and China would be better off receiving the Su-30(MK2) as it would help fill multiple capabilities at the same time. It would give Russia/China a plane that can carry multiple Fox-3’s while also allowing it too carry advanced air too ground munitions with modern targeting pods, letting them keep up with western nations. Plus both Russia and China use the Su-30 so two birds one stone.

In my personal opinion, it’s very possible gajjin might just skip over the more modern versions of F-15’s and Su-27’s as they both lack Fox-3’s and even advanced air too ground capabilities for some. Later F-15’s and Su-30/33’s would make more since given how fast the game is moving with this tech

Don’t worry you’ll prove them wrong when the patch drops

r27ea dont exist

Do you have evidence?

Gaijin has used cases to tell us that in order to make money, they can jump directly from F16A to F16C in just six months, and it is still block50. Therefore, even if they directly launch Su30 and F15C, it is not surprising that developers can balance them by reducing weapon mounts, just like yak141

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it hasnt left testing stage that is, its not adopted

That is not evidence. Please provide some. Also, that is a contradiction. You said it doesn’t exist, and then you said it’s being tested. Something that doesn’t exist cannot be tested.

i dont know what you want me to look for