Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I want you to look for evidence of any kind. Right now, it’s just “trust me bro”.

i only heard it doesnt exist, and even if it did, it provides no real advantage

So, you don’t know for sure. And if you seriously believe that an ARH R-27ER wouldn’t provide any real advantage, I worry for your mental health.

The Su-27S couldn’t carry the R-77 right? So if we get it, the only ARH missiles it would get is the R-27EA which I don’t think entered service but was tested, which is enough for gaijin to add it.

Since the MiG-29SMT is in game and will almost certainly get R-77s, having an Su-27S with only R-73s and R-27Es would be best I reckon, however we’ll just have to wait and see what Gaijin will do.

It would do everything that the R-27ER can, but with ARH.

so being worse? k

You do realize that the burden of proof is on you too prove that the R-27EA is infact real and existed right? Since your the one making the claim that it can be equipped in the first place.

But I’ll save you some time, it’s not “real” in the sense that outside of some mock-up made too show off an a arms show, it’s never been produced or tested, and there is absolutely zero evidence that it has ever been equipped on any Russian plane, or than any are even in Russian inventory. Obviously gajjin could make it “real” since there’s nothing ground breaking about an R-27 with ARH but it’s still effectively a work of fiction more than an actual real life missle

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I didn’t start this by saying it existed; Volxar started it by saying that it doesn’t.


He doesn’t have too prove it doesn’t exist, Pesto who made the claim that it’s a loadout option has too actually prove that the R-27EA did infact exist

If I say the Tiger 2 can’t shoot javelin missles do you need me to find proof to show that it couldn’t?


It is obvious that the Tiger II cannot fire Javelins. It is not obvious that the R-27EA doesn’t exist. Also, evidence has yet to be provided that it does not in fact exist.

Wrong, if your going too make the claim that the R-27EA exists, then you actually have too prove it. That’s how evidence works, the burden of proof lies with the person making a claim

As I’ve said tho, as cool as it would be, there Is no evidence that the R-27EA ever functionally existed

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oh the ol’ missile talk

have there been any leaks yet?

i asked, it exists, it was tested, but it never saw/may not see service

I never claimed that the R-27EA exists, and I have no idea where you are getting the idea from that I did. I am inquiring about evidence for it not existing. That is all and nothing else.

apart from some f18 thats 80% a usermodel no


sad, I go back to OT

have a good argument

That is still not evidence.

Well some people are talking about this F-18 pic, but it’s hard too say if it’s even legit