Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

You seemed to missed something in the post.

Main tree+Sub-tree+Other nation(s) conformed to be there

It doesn’t matter how much Luxembourg has it’s not a primary member of the tree but it has a home in the tree much like how it has been said the Nodics will all go to Sweden.
Doesn’t matter if they add 1 or 10 vehicles with the Luxembourg flag just all of them will go to that tree.

That is another possiblity, yes!

Since Italy-Hungary could get Hungary’s 2A7+ HU, and Germany’s closest counterpart is 2A7V.

T-90M and M1A1 SA/A2 SEPv2 could come too.

In general, I can’t wait for more heavy armor to come to Top Tier!

any interesting leaks or info for this update yet?

That’s weird cus both are in the files currently, only one in use tho on the SMT.

I think we can safely assume that once Russia gets something larger than 12 inches the accuracy problem will mysteriously disappear.

Deceptive, Iowas belt is inclined while Lions is straight vertical. Lion is better at very close ranges but at distances where the shells aren’t hitting flat on it starts to change.

Why? Montana wasn’t laid down. They haven’t yet said that ships can be added based on having guns built, only keels laid.

Exactly, War Thunder is different from WoWS. Unlike over there angling and mobility aren’t very important, just pick a direction and pop anything that you see. Reload time isn’t the best but its good enough. Her armor not being very useful isn’t great, but she isn’t unique there, no battleship is going to be protected from itself at the ranges we fight at currently.
Currently Yamato wouldn’t suffer from any problems that would set her apart from other top tier ships. However she can only benefit from armor penetration changes, map size adjustments, and accuracy improvements, and far more than some other ships would.

The luxemborgers can provide an attack helicopter and a humvee tow.

Britain will get hundreds of gen 4 fighters.

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F-2A, F-15DJ, and F-15J on the Japan tree!

You are probably right about that

If you call that a navy…


Are you really just going to spam random japanese stuff?

I don’t understand English, so I translate the Japanese into English and then copy it.

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Actually in War Thunder Naval angling works even more than WOWs as in WOWs you can still damage angled ship with hitting superstructure but that doesn’t work well in War Thunder.

Actually I didn’t mention above that another Yamato’s weakness is that it has every shell above waterline, and every magzine directly below waterline. Soyuz has same problem but having wonderful armor scheme for angling. Iowa would unload quite amount of shell as we can do on Alaska now.

Armor penetration change, map size adjustment? Never going to happen. Especially for later one as Developers clearly said they will divide random battle with short range and Ec with long range.

This is Just a translation error :(

Naval RB needs new maps. Somewhat intermediate in size, between the current maps and the EC maps. My Bayern feels like Hulk driving a Fiat 600.

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uh , a chinese made leak , i dont remember seing a lot of those before

that ones already been posted and still is rather dubious

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Another M1 as a premium I really doubt

the one from 2 Majors ago was very accurate