Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Sub-trees as they are implemented nowadays are very limiting in their scope and arguably not so good of a feature in many cases.

ZA for example has the potential to work independently as a solid rank I-VIII tree, but now it is a single line only and will miss out on many of it’s unique products.

Sub-trees also take away an entire potentially useable line from a nation.
For nations such as Italy or Sweden this isn’t an issue, considering their limits. For UK this is arguably the greatest troll Gaijin performed on any tree.

I don’t think it is a concept we really should be thankful for with the way it was implemented, especially considering that the community had previously made concepts for sub-trees that would be more open and allow for less controversial additions than how sub-trees work now.

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Or more likely, I expect them to end the BBs on an equal footing and we’ll see the addition of ASM armed ships instead. Essentially starting a new naval tree

Don’t think so. Yamato has too severe problems, cheek and module layout to be in the WT’s close quarter battle. Soyuz also has bad module layout but at least it doesn’t have cheek. Also Italy’s littorio is superior than Soyuz except pure firepower.

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They were mentioned in the fleet review, every ship mentioned in the UK’s fleet review has been laid down hence why the N3 weren’t mentioned. The premise that they were laid down is what lead to the cancellation of things like the Amagis and Lexingtons, plus there’s proof the keel blocks were built and every naval historian i can find says they were laid. I’d have to ask someone like Smin if it would count.

Also the Lions are at least a match for the Iowas given Iowa only has 12 inches of armour vs Lions 15.

The nations that will do the best are Russia and Japan with Sovetsky and Yamato.

Yeah, Britian did not need a Sub tree at all, every single vehicle added by SA could be replaced by 2 or 3 domestically produced vehicles quite easily I reckon. But its kinda crazy to me they went for SA over Canada or Australia.


The Japanese Navy cannot do anything without the Yamato class!!!

I believe there was actually, albeit just a bit (like they started laying the keel plating but didnt finish iirc). Ill see if i can find info on it.l, but im 99% sure g3 was started.

They’ve got the Nagato, Kii and Amagi, then eventually they’ll get the Yamato but there’s a long period between where they will have nothing.

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ZA in ground has incredible potential, so I wouldn’t go as far as you did with the 2-3 vehicles statement, but it is definitely a great loss for either nation.

To quote myself:

“However strong evidence to suggest it was, is that the G-3 class was included in the 1921 Naval Budget and unlike US procurement, ships were purchased and generally considered done-deals. Furthermore the money was indeed pulled, an amount of 2.2 million pounds from the Imperial Dominions and further £15 million from the admiralty itself. Contracts were awarded to the shipyards of John Brown, Swan Hunter and Fairfield on 24 October, and William Beardmore & Co on 1 November. The talks of the Disarmament Treaty began on the 12th of November. Work at John Brown is confirmed to have been done on the keel blocks specifically for this ship class. Given the fact that funds were allocated, materials for the keels purchased, the ships appeared in the defense review and both the US and Japan were satisfied that the ships had in fact been laid down (at least one of them anyway), and given the lack of any primary or secondary sources which say otherwise, I’d say the strongest source is this one: The story behind Britain’s ‘G3’ class battlecruisers - Navy General Board which suggests they were in fact laid down.”


I mean, every vehicle they’ve added to the British TT could probably be replaced by a British Equivalent. (For example we just got the Rooikat replacement last update) with some vehicles having multiple options

From what I’ve seen South Africa would have been better as a full TT. With other african nations as their Sub-TTs


I think the thing with Littorio is how they implement that double layered belt. But as Soyuz would have to use it also (as the Soviets couldn’t build plates beyond 9.1 inches thick) it might get a little bit of that Russian bias that will make it very competitive.

pov you are an american

AFAIK USSR tries to solve that problem with buying armor plate from Switzerland. They actually bought one propulsion set and technologies from Switzerland earlier for Kronshtadt&Soyuz.

In addition to Yamato, Japan is a major naval power, so they have unique ships such as Yukikaze, Yuudachi, Amatsukaze, Abukuma, and Shigure, but they are destroyers and light cruisers, and they cannot come close to Yamato.

I didn’t know this, thats actually very interesting, but it could be bad news for the Littorio. The idea behind the double layer is it increased effective thickness, but if it cracks the armoir is thinner behind, if Russia had it then I’d expect it to work, but if it was just Italy, I’m unsure. I hope for the sake of the Italian tree it works.

Are kii and no 14 the same thing?

really? Name 10 useful vehicles luxembourg has

However they received it.
The situation of Type 10 is similar to that of Merkava IV. I suppose your current situation is for balance reasons.

Who says no fox 3? Do you really think that Smin will tell you “Oh yes, not even devblog season has started yet but I will confirm you the most important aspect of the next update” of course he is not going to confirm that
I can bet my account with 1 year of premium that Fox-3 will come in december