Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

6 panthers in total and more ww2 vehicles almost every update (britains ram2 was thefirst ww2 vehicle britain got in 4 years and its not even british) and 14 leopards with more to come.

Looked though all his posts and its just Russia suffers non stop


All abour ARB dog fight performance, doesnt matter how good in in Sim and BVR it is

I think at that point if he is so upset about Russia maybe he should stop playing it

I dont see your point, britainbhas like 6 challengers as well as several ww 2 vehicles etc amd a whole SA sub tree

And its 14 leopards if it is that mamy because it is 2 generations of tank that got developed, that is like saying challenger and chieftaim are the same

Ok, so having never seen anything like this on the forum, i went looking to see if anyone did. Because funny threads are funnh

2 months ago you were in a convo where DM53 was proposed as a potentiall buff the the Strv-122 if it was going to be a comperable vehicle to the 2A7 and other future vehicles.

So nothing of the sort was proposed, but you remember it as such i guess.

It is nice to be rewarded for trying to find funny forum thread moments.

SA is not british. we been asking for ww2 content for years and instead they add another nations vehicles and thats less challengers then panthers if my count is right

But it is part of the tree, you cant just ignore that

Again 2 generationnof leopard tanks, they arent the same tank by far, the leo 2 is just the succesor

no i sopecificaly said british. we been asling for british content for years and instead they act like britain has nothing. this is exactly my point. if your not top 3 you get scraps

The part we’ve been moaning about is a top tier fighter that we haven’t gotten yet.

Oh, yes, that! It was this very thread, not a different topic.

After all, this thread is used as a “general discussion” most of the times lmao

Also, that “two months ago” hurts… I thought it was last week or so…

I am happy i aint one of those, and i mean, the round is good as is aas long as you dont face trolly armor, and the armor on the 122’s seams to mostly only help agains peeps that either dont know where to aim or gets spooked, tho then again it may just be my bad luck too

No that guy apparently is moaning about ground, he is even naming the vk and the removed panther 2 as viable panthers

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The vk3002 is a great tank though and it has THE LADDER

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I only remember pain from it, it had a bug with constantly fully loaded shells in matches

Vulcan with two AIM-9G

Well no suggested that 122 should be exclusively buffed by getting DM53

But thats what happens when you try to remember a somewhat heated forum discussion 2 months ago

There isnt realy anything left for sweden besides that as possible buff is there, even the strv 122b+ is just tiny more side armor heat protection

It’s one of the best panthers in my opinion and is great with the kw1c. But more or less c&p aswell. There is not much content anymore under 8.0 which is added