Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Nah man what do you mean the F4 Tornados and Harriers totally work against the top tier jets

Well funny thing is I will hopefully be seeing a F.4/GR 4 irl at the beginning of next month

Gaijin just seems to add the worst things that nations don’t need all the time…

Again we are getting subpar airframes where we could get better stuff from the commonwealth as filler but no.

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To be fair i understand the chinese wishes to not get copy paste russian stuff when they have their own indiginous options

the good old fw109 f2

They have alot of their own stuff, ALOT

They literally could add another Phantom with just 9L but somehow they can’t do that ether

And italy got catered to so much this year they dont realy have anytjing to complain about, besides some hate about hungarian helis being in the italy tree

Its bizzare how italy is the only nation ingame currently with spikes…

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Yeah thats the biggest insult to Israel, that and no spikes for their saraph, but the fact that italy got 2 ifv spikes carriers 2 updates after another… yeah that is bullshit



The difference is we brit mains aren’t as delusional as the big three are some times


No worriee frenchies he meaned IFV, but i mentioned the heli ones, i wont forget u no worries

Crazy that we need to have to wait another 3 years on top of the 5 just to get a fighter with 9L

Yeh the French mains kinda got spat in the face with the VBCI…

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I have seen Swedish mains on this very Forum making topics DEMANDING for DM53 for both Strv 122s “for balance” because “Italy got DM53, so Sweden should too” lmaoooo

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Not the first time.
Our first earlier stab mbt was a premium. (still waiting the 4/5 amx-30s with a stab, they really don’t like to give us stab when we have choices)

Now our first top light/IFV is premium too.

If gaijin gives Britain a SAAF Gripen C most of the complaint will pretty much go overnight

Nah there will always be someone

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