Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Plus the new southeast asia map is 70% water and no carriers, plus a whole land part at the top no one goes to

Recently I thought of an idea, why not in ground battles, have groups of AI SPAA scattered over the map like we have here, but their target depends on who controls the points?

For example, if your team captures A in the north of the map, then 5km(random number) further north (outside the ground area), the SPAA group will target the opposing team’s planes, and change target if point A is captured by the other team.

Could also be some special point/area to capture with specially IFVs.

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I see the potential to add carriers to this map in the future.

Doing carrier landings was so challenging (and rewarding) back in the day, that was my first thought every time I got a pacific map. “Gotta survive long enough to rearm! I need that carrier landing”

That would go a long way to solve the perceived issue some people have with CAS, that it’s unskilled and mostly involves pressing spacebar.

Perhaps if aircraft had to fight through AA fire on the way to the ground battle, they maybe deserved their kills more if they manage to reach it?

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They should have been in from the start, they made a big deal of the new carriers in 2020 when they were added but even then they were only on Spain and Hokkaido from what I saw and then once they reworked air RB maps they have been gone entirely outside of custom battles. IMO bit of a kick in the teeth for artists to make these assets to just be left out, especially when they can actually have some use.


This guy made a better idea than me, with carriers and all, so I’ll leave it here

While I hope new game mode is in the works for the upcoming update, we don’t know.


When will France get more high-level light vehicles and MBTs with stabilizers? In the “La Royale” update, you said that there will be other vbci added to the game in the future.
And China and Israel also need more high-grade IFVs and light tanks, especially Israel

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But they get a million panthers and leopards. So hard done by they even needed to get a prototype panther.

Since it’s been awhile it’s time to do a Smin round up hehe.

And then a Gromv,


i call fake, thats not our gromv

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I know I just fixed it

that being said, realy gotta careful of fakes, we had a fake case recently, where someone photoshopped Smin saying sth he didnt

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Yea but these are 100% real as these are my screenshots from here


there is only 1 that realy matters


New engine time boio

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They have gotten one Panther since release, and again, three years for a top tier MBT.

You know this technically doesnt mean german leopards tho…

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No. arkasha posted stupid info

That will be funny they just go here a new leopard and its Canadian and goes to the uk
Very much doubt that though

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