Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

NO don’t start this again :(


That gives me hope, thanks mate

Don’t you dare taking Belgium under Germany TT !

Pictures of the tank are unfortunately lost but documentation does suggest that a working vehicle did exist.
I hope that some archive somewhere will find images of the thing, it would be a substantial evidence for the vehicle’s case.

good god no

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i wouldnt dare, we want to claim netherlands


Guys take this too off topic please

clearly this is about the leak list

What the clearly fake notepad list

leaklist is leaklist

What about my total not fake one?


Weeeeeell, allow me to present a thought I had (it might be bad but here it goes)

Current map size in Air RB is fairly small, players spawn at the same time, rush toward the middle, and fights. Once a team dies, the match ends. Slower fighters miss out on the action because they can’t reach the middle in time.

If the snail gave us Air RB EC however, then the map would be much larger and players would spawn at different times. Players would arrive at the middle of the map not all at the same time, and a constant stream of “reinforcements” would also be coming in from respawns and players that just joined the lobby. This means that once a subsonic reaches the middle of the map, they can linger for a while using their very good fuel economy and still be useful for the team!

Indeed, when ?!


Btw, remind something to someone ? :p


More AI targets that are more spread out are what I want.

Probably not lol. Speed isn’t everything, you know.

What makes the FA.2 hard to balance is the fact it’s still based on the gen 1 Harrier, if it had the performance of the Harrier II it wouldn’t be too bad as my experience in the AV-8B+ has been fairly positive.


Not this again.

I might consider it if you let us bomb one of your current major cities to the ground, than we would be even.


the grievances are laid behind and we have great relationship with merging ground forces already as well

Like this?

Distance from airfield to objective in the right-most example would be longer, of course.

Perhaps having vtol/short take off and landing strips closer to the battle.

The location of these should change throughout the match, spawning along any highway large enough to land aircraft on. Only the friendly team knows exactly where, unless the enemy recon aircraft is allowed to fly overhead.

IDK I’m just spitting out thoughts at this point.