Infantry has been discussed throughout the history of war thunders in many forms, and issues have arisen from their implementation. However, I have an idea that may help to solve some (not all) of those additions. The addition of infantry into war thunder would help to solve the emptiness that can be seen on most maps
THE IDEA (two types):
Type A) Purely visual non-interactable infantry (does not award any points or score and cannot be interacted with in any form (EX: will phase through tanks and cannot be hurt/killed or moved in any way)
Type B) semi-interactive infantry (for use with helicopters) can be transported by specific helicopters and be moved to the battlefield or friendly spawn points and then be dropped off by the player, after which they will become type A, and the player would be awarded a new award called “Troop Insertion*X” once the troops are dismounted the award would be based on the exact amount of troops dismounted. The reward would be small but would help to solve the struggle of researching helicopters.
The infantry would not bear any markings and would have randomized weapons and uniforms based on the current match Battle rating; they would also wear basic uniforms of different variations (think designs and/or colors)
Types of infantry displayed based on BR
1.0-6.3 a mix between pre-WW2 and WW2 uniforms and weapons
+6.7-7.7 (due to the presence of quite a few post ww2 tanks at 6.7), a mix of WW2 and Korean war uniforms/ weapons
+7.7-9.3 Cold War era and Vietnam uniforms and weapons
+9.3-12.0 Modern uniforms
Images and videos
Yes, this a from a movie War Thunder was involved in helping to produce if anyone wondering
victory is ours war thunder - Google Zoeken
yes this is a war thunder trailer
Nation>weapon types (based on era used) ____ denotes none for that era
US: M1918 springfeild>M1 garand >M14/m16a1>Scar H
GE:>>H&K 418>
IR:______>FN FAL> FN FAL?
JP: CACARNO>Type 99>>
Sweden was not included in the weaponry section because I have no idea what weapons they would have used during those eras if anyone has any info on this let me know and I will add it, also if you think I missed anything let me know